CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

GUst generators and model DesiGn for transonic wind tunnel tEsTs


Wale der Lüfte sicher auf Reisen

Ein voll beladenes Großraumflugzeug kann 400 Tonnen wiegen. Es sicher in der Luft zu halten ist also eine enorme Leistung, erst recht dann, wenn plötzliche Windböen oder Turbulenzen auftreten. Deshalb sind Windkanäle und Flugsimulationen für die Auslegung, die Entwicklung und das Testen von Flugzeugen entscheidend wichtig. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt GUDGET entwickelt nun einen neuen Böengenerator, um das aeroelastische Flugzeugverhalten bei Böen mit hoher Amplitude zu untersuchen, sowie ein modernes, stark instrumentiertes und ausgestattetes Windtunnelmodell mit einem motorisierten Querruder, mit dem neue technische Methoden zur Verringerung der Böenbelastung geprüft werden können. Das System und das Windtunnelmodell werden in einer europäischen transsonischen Windkanalanlage der Weltspitze installiert, um die Erstellung einer Datenbank zu unterstützen, die numerische Modelle und deren Vorhersagegenauigkeiten verbessern wird.


GUDGET answers the CfP JTI-CS2-2018-CfP08-AIR-01-38 and aims at providing an innovative experimental set-up for the investigation of gust loads, to be installed in the transonic facility ONERA S3Ch. The proposal GUDGET will design, manufacture, calibrate, verify and finally install in the ONERA S3Ch WT an enhanced gust generator system and an aeroelastic half-model connected to the WT side wall, with the purpose to support the TM in the execution of a WT test campaign and gather information on the aeroelastic behaviour of the model under high amplitude gust conditions, with the acquisition of a relevant database which will allow to assess the numerical capabilities to predict gust loads. The WT test campaign is outside the scope of the GUDGET project.
At this aim, the consortium GUDGET has to perform the design of the experimental setup: design and manufacture the WT model according to technical requirements provided by the TM. Special care will be dedicated to the dynamic characteristics of the final model and that a specific interface with the WT will be implemented. In parallel, the consortium will perform a preliminary trade-off analysis to find the best configuration of the GG to comply with requirements dictated in the topic, by considering innovative configurations of tilting airfoils moved by mechanical actuators as well as blowing slots fed by fluidic actuators or a combination of both. The best solution over a number of candidates will be chosen as the one to be designed in detail and then manufactured, calibrated/ verified and eventually installed in the WT.
The GUDGET consortium has been setup by joining well recognized and very experienced companies and universities: IBK and POLIMI with a strong experience in the design, manufacturing and operating of WT models; DREAM for supporting CFD and numerical analysis; AVDES for the manufacturing activities and CTEC for the design and implementation of actuation devices.


€ 362 250,00
21129 Hamburg

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Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 362 250,00

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