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Interacting optical and topological solitons in frustrated cholesterics

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OPTOSOL (Interacting optical and topological solitons in frustrated cholesterics)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-04-01 do 2021-03-31

Fiber optic data transmission exploiting the photon as the information carrier rather than the electron has revolutionized the way we do business and our ability to process ever-increasing amounts of data in record time. Being an integral part of consumer high-speed internet, it is one of the most well-known achievements of the field of photonics—the study of the generation, transmission, manipulation and detection of light. However, current technologies based on costly and power-hungry photon→electron→photon conversion appear insufficient in light of environmental constraints. Going beyond state-of-the-art solid materials for photonics applications, the EU-funded OPTOSOL project was investigating novel light-matter interactions in so-called “topological soft materials”—complex liquid-crystalline fluids which embed robust birefringent structures allowing the manipulation of the flow of light at the microscopic scale. The objective of the OPTOSOL project was to determine the guiding principles of light in chiral soft materials which cannot be superimposed on their mirror images—like the left and right hands. These malleable materials can be reconfigured in real-time with external fields and allow the exploration of alternative routes for the management of light for which solid-state materials are not best suited, potentially unlocking new physical phenomena aiding the design of energy-efficient photonics devices.
The class of materials investigated in the OPTOSOL project are the liquid crystals (LCs) commonly used in the displays of our mobile phones, computers and TVs. Introducing chiral molecules in liquid crystals allows the stabilization of very robust birefringent structures called topological solitons. Like balls of yarn that cannot be easily unrolled at once, topological solitons are ‘knotty’ objects that cannot be destroyed in a continuous manner. Our original motivation was to examine how topological solitons can be used to deflect and control the path of photons in chiral LCs, similar to a billiard ball deflecting the trajectory of another moving ball after collision.

The first part of our work was to examine the mechanisms of propagation of light in such chiral materials, without any topological solitons. When building miniaturized optical devices, one typical problem that you can get is that collimated beam of photons initially propagating in a single direction will spread out very quickly. To avoid this problem, one needs some kind of guiding wire to bring all the photons we need towards a target, akin to the usual wires bringing electrons to processing components in electronic devices. This can be done either with a guiding structure that forces the photons to follow a single path (like in an optical fiber) or by increasing the number of photons inside a light beam. In the latter possibility, the high number of photons will disturb the propagation material itself and can create—in specific geometries—their own guiding wire disallowing the spreading-out of a light beam. In our specific case, we discovered a fundamental (and literal!) twist: by adding chiral molecules into the LC, we showed that the light power needed to generate the soft guiding structure (aka the 'optical wire') can be significantly reduced. Indeed, the chiral molecules actually boost the creation of the optical wire by locally destabilizing the orientation of LC molecules around the guided light (see image 1). This fascinating result was published in Physical Review Letters (Poy et al., 2020) and could lead to potential applications for low-power optical devices using the energy of a laser beam to tune themselves, beyond the use as simple guiding wire in this project.

The next step of our work was to add topological solitons in the same system. We showed for the first time how these robust and localized objects can provide new means for controlling the flow of light at the microscopic level. We demonstrated a set of simple laws that can describe the behavior of laser beams incident on ball-like topological solitons, with a wide range of interaction phenomena such as lensing and deflection of light (see image 2). Furthermore, one can also change the topological solitons’ size using external electric fields, thereby controlling how light is transformed inside the chiral LC sample in real-time. This study was published in Physical Review X (Hess et al., 2020) and opens a new paradigm of interconnected optically-active devices based on topological solitons: by using multiple ball-like solitons, one can create the optical analogous of electronic logic gates, i.e. devices which can make computations based on light instead of electrons.

The purely scientific works above relied on a number of theoretical and numerical approaches developed during the fellowship allowing efficient simulations of the propagation of light in inhomogeneous LC materials. These methods were described in two papers in Soft Matter and Optics Express (Poy and Zumer, 2019; Poy and Zumer, 2020) and led to the dissemination of an open-source microscopy software allowing to bridge the gap between experimental observations of complex LC structures and theoretical model. This software, called Nemaktis (see was also used for the topological identification of various classes of ring-shaped topological solitons in two collaborative publications with the photonics group of Ghent (Berteloot et al., Soft Matter 2020; Nys et al., Crystals 2020).
During the fellowship, we introduced novel numerical and theoretical frameworks describing the interaction between light and soft chiral topological structures. These simple laws and numerical experiments allowed us to fulfill our overarching aim and provide a solid theoretical basis for further development of this exciting new field of soft topological photonics. By combining knowledge from two different fields—topological soft matter and photonics—our project was able to demonstrate new physical phenomena which can be used in future designs of nonlinear optical devices and photonics processing units. From a purely technical point of view, the open-source microscopy software developed during the fellowship also benefits the whole liquid crystal community and should be continuously exploited during the next years (three different groups interested in using the software already contacted us).
Guided bouncing laser beam (green) around perturbed LC molecules (red domain).
Interaction of light with a topological soliton, with deflection (top) or lensing (bottom) behavior.