Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LawLove (The origins of the legal protection of heritage. Legislation on the safeguard of monuments and artworks issued in 15th- to 18th-century Europe.)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-09-01 do 2022-08-31
Research was carried out on original records related to legislation as well as first-hand references, including archival documents and old manuscripts, making these sources accessible to the wide European community by translating them to English from their respective original languages (Latin, early-modern Italian, Spanish, German, Swedish, Danish, Dutch, and Portuguese).
LawLove established a new state-of-the-art in both legal history and art history, involving also fundamental outcomes for the interconnected disciplined of cultural history, history of restoration and conservation, comparative law, history of administration, history of art collections and museums. Thanks to several open-access publications, lectures, and conferences, as well as outreach activities, this project aimed to establish a history of legislation on the protection of the artifacts in Europe, spreading general awareness on the importance of respecting and protecting heritage. Furthermore, it supported basic questions related to European policy-making on the heritage preservation.
In this 3-year project, the fellow acquired new skills thanks to an intense training-through-research: expertise in interdisciplinary areas of study; transferable skills; new research methodologies and lecturing proficiency; competencies in project and financial management; communication skills. She refined her maturity and independence as academic, obtaining the Tenured Position of Lecturer and Researcher in the field of “Museology, Art Critique, and History of Restoration” towards the end of her fellowship.
The project was hosted at the University Ca' Foscari Venice, and lasted from September 2019 to June 2022.
The fellow completed the following training activities and seminars: 14 training courses; Language courses of German A1 and A2 (150 hours); University courses in Cultural History, International Law on the Heritage protection, History of Medieval and Modern Law (135 hours in total).
The fellow delivered the following conferences: “‘Mirroring the most enlightened States of Europe’. Artistic scholarship and the development of the heritage protection in the Age of Reason” – University of Edinburgh; “Rome, Athens, and Europe. Protecting and trading artefacts in late 18th- to early 19th century” – Hertziana Library in Rome; “Restoring antiquities in late 18th- to early 19th-century Rome. Instances in the Capitoline Museums” – Hertziana Library in Rome; “The Age of Reason and the tutelage of the arts. Emerging legislation on the heritage protection in 18th-century European States” – University of Zagreb; “Byzantine artefacts vs. classical antiquities in early Greek legislation on the heritage protection” – University Carlos III Madrid; "“Preserving heritage in early-modern Europe. Models and perspectives for an updated community legislation" - University Ca' Foscari Venice; “Protecting heritage by law. Concepts and procedures introduced in Northern and Southern Europe in the 1600s” – Norwegian Institute in Rome, the University of Oslo.
She also organised a LawLove conference: “Art-Law-Restoration. Europe and the early practices for the heritage protection”, University Ca’ Foscari Venice (8-9July 2021).
The fellow achieved the following publications: a monograph “Artistic canons and legal protection. Developing policies to preserve, administer and trade artworks in 19th-century Rome and Athens” - Max-Planck Institute, Frankfurt; a monograph "Art in early-modern Law. Evolving procedures for Heritage Protection in 15th to 18th-century Europe" – SideStone Press, Leiden; a conference proceedings "Arte, Legge, Restauro. L’Europa e le prime prassi per la protezione del patrimonio / Art, Law, Restoration. Europe and the early practices for the heritage protection" - Ca' Foscari Press, Venice; 5 further open-access articles and essays.
The fellow participated to the following dissemination events: European Researchers' Night 2021: "Prima Lezione di Storia dell'Arte", University Ca' Foscari Venice; “Young Professionals Forum 2021”: Restoration Centre La Venaria Reale, UNESCO, ICCROM, ICOM, CNR, and the University of Turin. she was "Fellow of the week" in Decembre 2021.
LawLove also aimed to have an impact at a broader European level: it pursued an interpretation of historical and archival sources, in spite of the limitations imposed by Covid-19. The investigated documents are now accessible thanks to their English translations. Research results have been published and divulged via open-access books, articles and outreach initiatives, allowing both non-academic and academic audiences to access them. An innovative area of research in legal history and art history has been inaugurated too, intersecting interdisciplinary studies in the history of restoration and conservation, comparative law, history of economics, history of administration, and cultural history.
Further long-term effects on EU policy-making can be measured considering the future strategies that will be launched on the heritage protection and the broader awareness on the importance of respecting and protecting heritage in Europe.