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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Data-driven decision-support to increase energy efficiency through renovation in European building stock.


Project communication and dissemination materials

This deliverable will provide information on the project’s website, social media accounts, press kit, videos, journal articles and presentations of EERAdata at webinars, conferences and workshops.

Report on the elements of building performance and impact assessment methodologies which are suitable to be integrated into the EERAdata methodology

Task 31 will conduct a detailed analysis of existing methodologies which can be used for building performance simulation and the impact assessment of EE investments in buildings and supplyside investments in additional energy generation and imports Examples of impact assessment methodologies are environmental LCA costbenefit analysis lifecycle costing inputoutput analysis social impact assessment and social LCA We will identify the elements of these methodologies which can be used or adapted to generate the indicators and variables identified in WP2 as the key metrics to measure the outcomes of EE investments in buildings To ensure the feasibility of the EERAdata methodology we will take into account the availability and accessibility of data sources for the inputs which are required by the different methodologiesResults will be comprised in a publicly available assessment report Deliverable 31

Conference briefing paper

The conference brief will provide an overview of the EERAdata project and its key findings The brief will be provided to conference participants

Decision support tool scalability and replicability study

Decision support tool scalability and replicability studyIn order to make the DST relevant to the broader EU community and beyond it will need to incorporate a wide array of functionality that will make it easily scalable and replicable in countriesregionslocal communities with different decisionmaking structures varying access to monitoring data diverse backgrounds of potential users market sizerenovation potential and other distinct considerations For this purpose task 73 will analyse the existing potential for application of the tool in countries across the EU by identifying and mapping specific aspects in the area of data availability and formats applicability of LCA databases user identification and energy renovation process from planning to implementation and so forth

Technical guide: Logical framework and data infrastructure

In Task 26 the results of WP2 will be operationalised Identified indicators frameworks and data sources will be structured and sorted for further processing and integration in the methodologies WP4 Missing indicators and parameters will be edited included and when necessary derived from scientific models or experiences from other projects case studies This involves literature review and research with the frontrunner municipalities In a final step the indicators and variables will be consolidated and operationalised to be included into the tool in WP5The necessary structures methods and processes will be described and illustrated in an easy to understand way in a technical guide Deliverable D25

Guidelines for data cleaning and preparation

By analysing the data collection practices models of collection processes will be developed and described ITTI will model the processes using UML notation or BPMN and specify how in the next WP the data preparation and surveying wizards will be developed All necessary and relevant interactions with users will be defined These procedures will be provided to the end users in an efficient and innovative way using film tutorial or guidance application Deliverable D45

Report on the type and format of the data required to model the building stock in the EERAdata methodology

The goal of this task is to identify the type and format of data needed to model and analyse the building stock at the regional/municipal level through the EERAdata methodology. This will be done considering the availability of ‘generic’ data sources (e.g. the TABULA project) as well as of specific data from project frontrunner municipalities and across EU countries, and the necessary steps that will be required to access and format this data in WP4. The found information and categories will be comprised into a catalogue. (Deliverable D3.2)

Statistical report on interviews and survey results

Survey’s and interviews’ results are finally summarised in a statistical report. Related to Task 2.1

Field test strategy

The field test strategy designed in Task 61 will be decomposed into functionalities Each functionality will be tested by a number of test cases Such way it will be tested in one side the functionality itself and in the other side the GUI Graphical User Interface for this concrete functionality This will ensure that the produced software will follow the original user requirements The field testing process will start once the lab testing in WP5 reach a maturity such no major bugs are found and only few medium and low gravity ones are present in the software release The field test strategy will concentrate the test activity only in end user functions HABITEC will organise the pilot coordination jointly with KSSENA and AEA and will establish the processes for user evaluation ITTI will review the field test strategy and test cases in order to ensure in one side no end user functionality of the software is left untested and in the other side any feedback provided from the field test include the minimum information to fix the reported bugs

User Evaluation and Feedback reports

HABITEC performs user surveys and feedback loops to evaluate the impact and funtionality of the EERAdata software This will feed into current development and the implementation strategy of the software as well as into the exploitation strategy of the tool

A report on the finalised EERAdata methodology (see D3.2) and tool requirements of the end-users

A report on the finalised EERAdata methodology see D32 and tool requirements of the endusers

Catalogue of socio-economic effects of EE measures and their costs/benefits

Task 22 will identify and review various national and international studies scientific models and datasetsdatabases that are useful to scope the defined indicators and variables The indicators and variables are developed in parallel with Task 23 and 24 and in cooperation with TRI DTU and ITTI to get a logical data framework that is used for the data collection and its integration in the database and finally in the tool in WP4 and WP5 The outcome will be combined into a costbenefit catalogue Deliverable 23

Policy recommendation guideline for transnational and national legislation amendment
Three country specific factsheets

The combined outcome of task 21 will result in three country specific factsheets comprising lists of existing EE goals strategies and user requirements clustered in socioeconomic environmental and energy supplyside analysis which is used for the definition of key indicators and variables in the Tasks 22 to 24

General building stock data for European buildings and specific data for the frontrunner partners

General building stock data for European buildings and specific data for the frontrunner partners Task 41 will collect merge and format relevant data to establish a model of the building stock of the frontrunner municipalities Data gaps will be identified and solutions will be developed to fill these gaps in the future The partners will gather sort and inspect various kinds of dataformats even scanning documents on paper to provide the most detailed information on the building stock of the frontrunner partners The collected data will be sorted and processed in line with international norms and structuresLocal building data will be extended with already available European datasets comprising demographic data research and scientific data statistical socioeconomic datasets and georeferenced datasets eg GMLfiles of European regions

Final joint strategy on planning and management of energy efficiency measures on different levels of decision making.

Final joint strategy on planning and management of energy efficiency measures on different levels of decision making The final output of WP7 Deliverable D75 will provide a practical guide for European policymakers to prioritise EE measure in buildings through the application of the DST developed by EERAdata

Project website

The EERAdata website will be established within three months of the project kick off

Three training events for associated partner municipalities (secondary implementers)

Three training events for associated partner municipalities secondary implementers In this task 50 or more secondary implementers will be engaged through workshops to demonstrate how the tool is used in practice The workshops will include demonstration activities focusing on the data collection process and the establishment of a model of the building stock examples of DST application based on the pilots of WP6 and assisted interactions with the tool format and interface After the workshops the secondary implementers will also be supported remotely by the project team to ensure the DST is adopted correctly and used at its full potential

Implementation of bug fixes on new tool software releases.

Once each field test campaign is finished ITTI review the bug list and add the necessary fixes in new software releases Each new software release includes a declaration of the bugs fixed Such new software release feed the new works of Task 62 until there are no mayor or medium gravity bugsIn addition the output data generated with the pilot projects and their significance have to be assessed in order to verify and improved the exhaustive applicability of the tool in future for evaluating EE measures with a comprehensive approachDeliverable D63


Modeling the multiple benefits of water-efficient building renovation with Bayesian networks

Autoren: Valentini Fedrizzi, Nicole
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2021
Herausgeber: Technical University Munich

Analyse der weitreichenden Potenziale von Energieeffizienzmaßnahmen: Bewertung der Nachhaltigkeit von Sanierungsszenarien an einem öffentlichen Gebäude

Autoren: Höing, Marie Pax Aurelia
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2020
Herausgeber: Technical University Munich

Influencing Decisions in the Renovation Process: Wider Benefits as a Driver of Deep Energy Renovations.

Autoren: Chyslovska, Oksana
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2021
Herausgeber: Technical University Munich

Influencing plans in the Renovation Process: Wider Benefits as a Driver of Deep Energy Renovations.

Autoren: Simone Winter-Madsen, Nicolai Mortensen
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2021
Herausgeber: Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Life Cycle Assessment of Technical Building Services of Large Residential Building Stocks Based on Semantic 3D-City Models

Autoren: Harter, H.
Veröffentlicht in: 2021
Herausgeber: Technical University Munich

Financially responsible optimization of indoor climate and performance of office work

Autoren: Hakan Koray Bak
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2021
Herausgeber: Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Quantification of the socio-economic consequences of energy and indoor climate renovation of offices

Autoren: Nicolai Svitzer Lyngbye, Georg Holger Waage
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2022
Herausgeber: Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Indoor climate, productivity and economy in office buildings

Autoren: Alberte Marie Jensen, Claes Villirs
Veröffentlicht in: Master Thesis, 2022
Herausgeber: Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

A probabilistic methodology to facilitate the assessment and quantification of socio-economic benefits of building energy efficiency in municipal decision making

Autoren: Botzler, S.
Veröffentlicht in: Thesis in preparation, expected submission: August 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: Technical University Munich

Indeklima i klasseværelser er guld værd (Indoor environment in classrooms is worth gold)

Autoren: Toftum, J.
Veröffentlicht in: Ingeniøren/FacilityTech, 2021
Herausgeber: Teknologiens Mediehu

Wider benefits of photovolatic building rehabilitation

Autoren: Rafael Abad Cano, Lorena Garzarán Fernández, Antonio Vargas Yañez
Veröffentlicht in: Revista Travesías, Ausgabe December´s 2020 edition, 2020
Herausgeber: TRAVESIAS

Tryk på den grønne omstiling (Pushing the green transition).

Autoren: Toftum, J.
Veröffentlicht in: HVAC Magasinet, Ausgabe no 2, 2020, Seite(n) 6
Herausgeber: TechMedia A/S

De sundhedsmæssige gevinster ved indeklimarenoveringer II

Autoren: Winter-Madsen, S., Mortensen, N., Andersen, R., Toftum, J.
Veröffentlicht in: HVAC Magasinet, Ausgabe No 11, 2021, Seite(n) 32-36
Herausgeber: Techmedia A/S

The EERAdata methodology a new way to lead informed decision making for Energy efficiency projects

Autoren: Botzler, S.;Toftum, J.; Elusakin, T.; Korsholm Andersen, R.; Natek, N., Adamczyk, A.
Veröffentlicht in: Paper in preparation, expected submission: April 2022, 2022
Herausgeber: tbd

De sundhedsmæssige gevinster ved indeklimarenoveringer I

Autoren: Mortensen, N., Winter-Madsen, S., Andersen, R., Toftum, J.
Veröffentlicht in: HVAC Magasinet, Ausgabe no 11, 2021, Seite(n) 24-30
Herausgeber: Techmedia A/S

Baseline data to prioritize building renovation

Autoren: Abad Cano, R.; Garzaran Fernandez, L.
Veröffentlicht in: Travesias Journal, Ausgabe 4, 2021
Herausgeber: Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de Malaga

Sunde og energieffektive bygninger (Healthy and energy efficient buildings

Autoren: Toftum, J.
Veröffentlicht in: HVAC Magasinet, Ausgabe no 11, 2019, Seite(n) 6
Herausgeber: TechMedia A/S

Facilitating the assessment of socio-economic benefits of deep building renovation via Bayesian Network modelling on the example of employment impacts

Autoren: Botzler, S, Lang, W.; Toftum, J.
Veröffentlicht in: Energy Efficiency, Ausgabe Submitted in february to Energey efficiency first Principle issue, review in process, 2022, ISSN 1570-6478
Herausgeber: Springer

Evaluating Building occupant productivity with Bayesian Network modellig: a simplified framework with measured climate chamber data

Autoren: Botzler, S., Banihashemi, F
Veröffentlicht in: Energy and Buildings, Ausgabe Beeing submitted in April 2022., 2022, ISSN 0378-7788
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV

Development of a tool to predict the socio-economic consequences of better air quality and temperature control in classrooms

Autoren: Toftum, J.; Andersen, R. Aguilera Prado, J.J.; Kolstrup, K; Sloth-Hauberg, D.; Clausen, G.
Veröffentlicht in: Energy and Buildings, Ausgabe Volume 250, 2021, ISSN 0378-7788
Herausgeber: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2021.111274

Occupants’ responses to window views, daylighting and lighting in buildings

Autoren: Giraldo Vasquez, N., Forgiarini Rupp, R., Korsholm Andersen, R., Toftum, J.,
Veröffentlicht in: Buildings and Environment, Ausgabe Submitted in February 2022, under review, 2022, ISSN 0360-1323
Herausgeber: Pergamon Press Ltd.

Visualising and weighting the multiple effects of building energy efficiency in conditional network structures

Autoren: Botzler, S.
Veröffentlicht in: 11th Energy Colloquium of the Munich School of Engineering, 2021
Herausgeber: Technical University Munich

Influencing decision-making processes in public energy efficiency projects: wider benefits as a driver for deep building renovation

Autoren: Botzler, S.
Veröffentlicht in: Sustianable Places Conference 2021, Ausgabe 2021, 2021
Herausgeber: R2M SOLUTION SRL

Uncertainty Analysis of Life Cycle Assessment Input Parameters on City Quarter Level

Autoren: Harter, H., Willenborg, B., Schneider-Marin, P., Banihashemi, F., Vollmer, M., Kierdorf, D., H. Kolbe, T., Lang, W
Veröffentlicht in: Building Simulation 2021 Conference of the International Building Simulation Association proceedings, 2021
Herausgeber: KU Leuven

Paving the way towards the building renovation wider benefits: energy poverty case

Autoren: Rafael Abad Cano
Veröffentlicht in: International Green Cities Congress book of communications, Ausgabe October´s 2020 edition, 2020
Herausgeber: International Green Cities Congress

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