CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

TOwards Multi-stakehOldeRs transition ROadmaps With citizens at the centre


Förderung des gesellschaftlichen Engagements zur Erreichung des EU-Dekarbonisierungsziels

Europa plant die Dekarbonisierung aller Städte in der EU bis 2050. Damit dieses ehrgeizige Ziel erreicht werden kann, müssen unsere Gesellschaften Verantwortung übernehmen. Dies wird nur möglich sein, wenn die Strategien und Vorteile kohärent und transparent gestaltet sind. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts TOMORROW ist es, örtliche Behörden und Verwaltungen zu stärken, indem diese Fahrpläne für Übergangsmaßnahmen erhalten, die ihnen beim Ausbau ihrer Kapazitäten helfen. Darüber hinaus sollen Bürgerinnen und Bürger, die Zivilgesellschaft sowie potenzielle Schlüsselakteure eingebunden und dazu gebracht werden, sich aktiv an den Veränderungen zu beteiligen. Es werden Schulungen in Städten und gemeinsame Aktivitäten mit Pilotstädten organisiert, um innovative und nachhaltige Lösungen und Verfahren der Energienutzung auszutauschen. Das Projekt stellt Städten der EU außerdem eine Fülle von Ressourcen wie Begleitmaterial, Informationsblätter und Leitlinien zur Verfügung.


By 2050, European cities should be decarbonised, sustainable and provide for a high quality of life. In order to achieve this goal, society as a whole has to become more accountable and mutual responsibility needs to be distributed amongst all actors. Therefore, urban governance schemes need to become more transparent and inclusive so that all can benefit. This is why public administrations need to be equipped with skills and support schemes. Local transition roadmaps draw on the required skills and capacities of local authorities and allow them to become leaders of the energy transition. Such roadmaps provide explicit strategies and operational tools for local governments to address the multiple challenges of the energy transition and their ecological, economic, and social aspects. Thereby, their development provides both, space for innovations to develop, and participatory approaches to flourish.
TOMORROW aims at empowering local authorities to lead the transition towards low-carbon, resilient and more liveable cities by engaging citizens and stakeholders in the development of 2050 transition roadmaps.
The development process of local transition roadmaps lies at the core of TOMORROW, which recognizes that the achievability of the formulated energy transition targets relies upon effective engagement of civil society, local key actors and their collaboration with local governments. For implementing deliberative governance schemes, the project´s pilot cities will be involved in city trainings and benefit from peer-to-peer activities with lighthouse cities. Best practices and innovative sustainable energy solutions, as well as innovative engagement mechanisms will be shared. Tailored support material, such as a toolbox containing methodological guidelines and factsheets on best practices will be developed for replication. Learning relays and masterclasses will improve participants´ capacities. Policy recommendations aim at an enabling framework for cities´ transition.

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