CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme


Laufbahnentwicklungsprogramm setzt auf marktorientierte Verbundforschung

Die Mission des Programms Career-FIT PLUS lautet, im Rahmen von zwei internationalen, transparenten und wettbewerbsorientierten Aufforderungen zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen 50 Dreijahresstipendien für Laufbahnentwicklung in Irlands nationalen Technologiezentren/Technologie-Gateways zu finanzieren. Jedes Forschungsstipendium wird von einer irischen Forschungseinrichtung ausgerichtet und beinhaltet eine obligatorische Abordnung in die Industrie. Als Nachfolger des zuvor über das COFUND-Stipendienprogramm der Marie-Skłodowska-Curie-Maßnahmen finanzierten Programms Career-FIT hat Career-FIT PLUS einen ausgereiften Ansatz zu bieten, bei dem die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse aus dem Engagement von Enterprise Ireland, der Gasteinrichtungen und der Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten von Career-FIT in das erweiterte Career-FIT PLUS-Programm einfließen. Das Programm wird von Enterprise Ireland organisiert.


The Career-FIT PLUS COFUND Programme proposes 50 three-year Career Development Fellowships to be situated in Ireland’s National Technology Centres with mandatory secondment to industry. The programme will be managed from the Research & Innovation Division of Enterprise Ireland (EI), a national industrial development agency with a mission that targets developing people and their capability for driving enterprise growth. The Career-FIT PLUS programme will have a duration period of 72 months with two calls for proposals.
As the successor to the previously funded MSCA COFUND Career-FIT programme, the Career-FIT PLUS offers a maturity of approach with key learnings from the engagement of EI, the Technology Centres and the Fellows in Career-FIT incorporated into the enhanced Career-FIT PLUS programme. These provide for an improved platform for researchers to develop high quality proposals with the Technology Centres and their partner enterprises. It also reinforces a more structured basis for training and mentoring initiatives and actions developed during the implementation of Career-FIT, such as cross-over training across the Technology Centres. There is an intention to position the programme as a more central element of EI’s innovation portfolio, with a particular focus on enhancing the interdisciplinary platforms of the Technology Centres.
The proposal is supported by a significant demand from enterprises relevant to the research areas of the Technology Centres.
The total budget of the Career-FIT PLUS programme is €13,792,500 of which €5,517,000 is requested for co-funding.


€ 5 517 000,00
D03 Dublin

Auf der Karte ansehen

Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
€ 11 034 000,00