Periodic Reporting for period 3 - JANET (Janissaries in Ottoman Port-Cities: Muslim Financial and Political Networks in the Early Modern Mediterranean)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2023-02-01 do 2024-07-31
According to our thesis, in the period under examination, the Janissary corps became one of the main channels for the participation of various Muslim social strata of the Ottoman periphery in the Empire’s developing credit market and commercial life, as well as a gateway for their involvement in local and imperial politics. Moreover, it became a platform for the exchange of people, goods, and ideas between different localities covering a vast geographical area. When examined from a Mediterranean perspective, this view allows us to look beyond the information provided by Europe-centered sources and to drastically redefine the sociopolitical and financial role of Muslims in the area, an approach which historical analysis sorely lacks.
Archival research (WP2) started on time with a focus on the archival collections the administration of which allowed us access during the extended quarantine periods of 2020 and 2021. One of the most important archival collections for the project, the Ottoman Archives at Istanbul, implemented an open-access policy during the pandemic which gave us the opportunity to do extensive research online and helped us draw most of the material which has been recorded so far in the project’s relational database (WP3). Additionally, we managed to collect and use material from seven more archives. However, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine forced us to stop the collection of archival material from Ukraine and blocked our access to the Russian archives which we were planning to visit. Nonetheless, we have managed to collect a significant amount of archival material located in Kyiv.
All the above-mentioned archival material is being recorded in the project’s relational database (WP3). The quick and efficient creation of our database’s basic functions led us to engage in the recording of data much earlier than originally expected, and, as a result, our database already contains records of over 1,700 sources and several thousands of sub-records. Currently our software engineer is working on the creation of the tools necessary for data visualization, which will lead to the dynamic display of the indexed information in the form of maps, graphs, and charts.
Dissemination activities (WP5) are also under way. More specifically, the following dissemination actions have been taken:
a. Web-site: Our web-site ( has been launched in February 2021.
b. Workshops and resulting publications: So far the collaborating researchers of the project and the members of JaNet’s Advisory Committee have organized two workshops. The goal of the first online kick-off meeting in September 2020 was to discuss the action’s research directions. Although the workshop was originally planned to take place at the IMS/FORTH in Rethymno, due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was successfully reorganized as an online event. The second workshop took place at the Kâtip Çelebi University in İzmir in September 2021. The originality and in-depth analysis of the papers presented in the latter triggered great interest among the participants and, for that reason, it was decided for six of them to be published together with an introduction in a special issue of the open access peer-reviewed academic journal Cihannüma. The said 174-page issue was released in July 2022 under the title “Spyropoulos, Yannis, ed. “Insights into Janissary Networks, 1700-1826.” Special issue, Cihannüma: Journal of History and Geography Studies 8, no. 1 (2023).”
c. Participation in conferences and other academic events; resulting and independent publications: Even throughout the pandemic there had been considerable efforts to disseminate the project’s output, to inform the academic community and the general public of JaNet’s research, and to invite scholars outside JaNet’s team to talk about subjects related to our research. In this framework, apart from the 19 papers presented in the project’s two workshops, so far five lectures, and three presentations have been given in other academic events by members of the team and invited academics, targeting a multinational audience based in countries such as Greece, Turkey, the US, Australia, etc.
To the above-mentioned academic activities, we should also add our effort to popularize parts of our research’s output by contributing to the creation of an original theatrical play named “Ayşe-m: A Story with Janissaries and Vampires in Ottoman Crete” in collaboration with the ERC project “GHOST (GA no. 771766).” In the framework of the play which was presented in Rethymno in June, flyers were distributed which made special reference to the two above-mentioned projects, their goals and achievements.