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Networking for excellence in functional pharmacology to study the role of fatty acid metabolism in neurological disorders

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FAT4BRAIN (Networking for excellence in functional pharmacology to study the role of fatty acid metabolism in neurological disorders)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-02-01 do 2023-04-30

The FAT4BRAIN project builds cooperation between LIOS from the Widening region and world-leading partners in translational neuropharmacology (Uppsala University), metabolism and clinical neuropsychiatry (Eberhard Karls University Tübingen), aging and molecular imaging (Jena University Hospital), as well as innovative mitochondria research (Oroboros Instruments). The aim of FAT4BRAIN was to establish a network of excellence focused on the pivotal role of fatty acid metabolism in the development of neurological disorders, a topic of highest biomedical and societal concern. The concerted research activities aimed at deciphering novel mechanisms and developing new treatment strategies against these devastating diseases.
A comprehensive set of activities including workshops, expert meetings, and trainings for early-stage researchers enhanced knowledge bridging and networking. FAT4BRAIN activities specifically focused on strengthening capacities in areas that needed improvement at LIOS, using the four partners’ excellence and experience. Dissemination of project results to the research community, industry partners and the public through presentations at conferences, media outputs and high-impact publications were facilitated by the partners’ extraordinary reputations and high-impact profiles. Importantly, the research excellence of the partnering institutions together with the targeted activities of FAT4BRAIN helped LIOS to improve its research profile by increasing methodological capacities in preclinical and translational research and improving scientific output in terms of publications of the highest quality and impact.
Overall, FAT4BRAIN significantly contributed to increased research excellence at LIOS, enhanced its reputation and networking channels, improved its capability to compete for research funding, and facilitated collaborations with leading scientific institutions. The project's achievements include the development of novel testing models and platforms, high-impact publications, and the establishment of protocols for investigating brain fatty acid metabolism, related metabolites and mitochondrial respiration. These outcomes will have a lasting impact on the field and support future research endeavors.
The FAT4BRAIN project provided trainings on research issues and improved transferable skills such as grant proposal and scientific writing, and quality management. These activities strengthened networking among FAT4BRAIN partners and increased the science and technology capacity of LIOS researchers. A notable achievement was the development of a novel testing platform for measuring mitochondrial functionality and assessing fatty acid metabolism in preclinical and clinical samples. This platform will contribute to future translational research in the field.
Joint seminars and training activities, including 21 workshops and courses and 55 networking visits, alongside dissemination efforts increased the research profile and visibility of LIOS as a partnering organization and enabled new collaborations. Moreover, these activities led to researchers' participation in high-level scientific conferences and co-authored publications with increased impact. The FAT4BRAIN partners published an extensive overview about acylcarnitines, which has been accessed >10 000 times and provided a substantial update to the Human Metabolome Data Base.
Another significant outcome of the project was the improved capability of LIOS to compete successfully for national, EU, and international research funding. The project bridged gaps in transnational networking and aligned preclinical research with clinical research and societal health needs. As a result, LIOS successfully attracted funding for collaborative research projects with industry and submitted 16 international research project applications.
Quantitative indicators of the project's success include the implementation of two novel testing models in practice, 6 joint publications, threefold higher average journal impact factor for published results, 3.9 mil. euros in new funding for academic and collaborative research with industry, as well as 43 training certificates for both early stage and experienced researchers in research ethics, translational studies, and grant and high-impact publication writing.
In summary, the leading scientific institutions involved in the project shared their expertise and best practices, and provided access to unique techniques and facilities. FAT4BRAIN enabled the establishment of protocols for evaluating brain fatty acid metabolism, opening new avenues for investigating neurological disorders in a highly translational manner.
The success of the FAT4BRAIN consortium as a whole and LIOS as a Widening country institution highlights it as an excellent showcase of impactful transnational collaboration, proof that outstanding results may be achieved through well-aimed and focused projects. FAT4BRAIN results contributed to a better understanding of the associations between metabolic and neurological disorders, which has implications for health and well-being. . The international leading partners gained access to the biochemical and pharmacological capacities at LIOS and mitochondrial methods available at OI, enabling a larger methodological scope for future research activities and a platform for long-lasting collaboration. The project also promoted public awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle for both metabolic and brain health and contributed to responsible research for public health needs. The emphasis on e-dissemination and e-courses was well aligned with environmental impact goals. Additionally, the FAT4BRAIN has increased the S&T capacities of early-stage researchers and the workforce for pharmacology and pharmacy-related research institutions and industry, contributing to human capacity development. Lastly, the project has had international impacts, closing the research and innovation divide in the EU and establishing transnational collaboration.
The improved capability of LIOS to compete successfully for national, EU and internationally-competitive research funding has already resulted in funding obtained from the European Regional Development Fund, the EU Horizon programs, as well as collaborative research funding from industry. Overall, the focus on research integrity and ethics has reinforced awareness and improved LIOS reputation as a reliable research partner.
FAT4BRAIN framework developed a testing platform for the evaluation of fatty acid metabolism that will fill the gap in translational mitochondrial research and provide a unique opportunity to study fatty acid metabolism in both metabolic and neuropsychiatric disorders in preclinical and clinical studies. The platform has a potential to have economic impacts through diverse applications: investigation of the role of fatty acids in pathogenic pathways in the brain, development of new assays for the pharmaceutical industry and identification of novel drug targets and treatment strategies targeting mitochondrial dysfunction in neurological disorders, thus addressing societal health needs.
In conclusion, the FAT4BRAIN project has achieved significant progress beyond the state of the art in brain energy metabolism research. The project has yielded valuable results, enhanced the research excellence of LIOS, improved international collaboration and networking, and had beneficial socioeconomic impacts.
Scientific concept of FAT4BRAIN
Kick-off meeting