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LIdar Knowledge Europe

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - LIKE (LIdar Knowledge Europe)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-10-01 do 2023-09-30

In Lidar Knowledge Europe (LIKE) we have set the ambition to train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to become the future technology leaders in academia and industry within the use of lidars for wind measurement. Lidar measurement is an emerging field with significant disruptive potential within renewable energy. To deliver on this potential have focused on a combination of technological skills and insight, scientific excellence and in depth knowledge of applying digitalisation to wind measurements.

LIKE was structured to enable the 15 ESRs to acquire this combination of technological, scientific and digitalisation competences and knowledge to spearhead the disruption. Combined with core transferable skills such as business plan development and entrepreneurship, communication and IPR management, managerial skills and cultural understanding, LIKE has enabled these future technology leaders to understand and act in their role in the knowledge and technology workflow required to apply Lidar measurements technologies to wind.

The ESRs was taught, mentored and supported by a truly world-class interdisciplinary, inter-sectoral and international team of leading scientists, SME technology leaders and specialists in major companies. Through a well-organised and innovative training programme, LIKE exposed the ESRs to academic excellence, SME application-driven work flows and the business context of leading European manufacturers and wind energy developers.

The research objective achieved were to develop wind lidar techniques for wind energy and wind engineering. Lidars at the ground and at satellite for better tracing of winds globally for wind resource mapping and wind forecasting for commercial application were achieved. We innovated on offshore floating lidar from pre-commercial to fully commercial status and support new lidar-assisted wind turbine control. This has commercial value for extending turbine lifetime and increasing energy production. Lidars were used to assess the turbine power performance in challenging conditions was investigated. Design criteria for construction of long suspension bridges and airport safety was covered using lidars in the field and in wind tunnels.
The work achieved during the two years of the project was as follows.

The employment of 15 Early Stage Researchers (PhD students) was done for the entire period for each. The training courses were planned for physical attendance but were changed to online in some cases. Most secondment was done physical but some online due to COVID-19 restrictions.

All network-wide training events were conducted.

In ITN LIKE, the Secondment Partners contribution to the overall training of the ESRs cannot be underestimated.
We progressed beyond state of the art in the following technology domains: new method with robotic lidars for wind tunnel investigations, new lidar technique with compact measurement volume that does not overlap with moving background objects and to develop the Open lidar concept and digitalisation to decrease uncertainties.

We progressed beyond state of art in applying floating lidar and satellite data for offshore wind resource estimation and use lidars in complex terrain as well as for airborne wind energy systems. The satellite Aeolus lidar wind profiles was evaluated for improved wind forecasting. Wind lidar data analysis for turbulence reconstruction algorithms for wind turbine wakes and wind energy yield assessment was investigated. Lidar was used for wind turbine performance validation and for lidar-assisted wind turbine control, and to assess the turbulence that cause load at turbines.

We progressed beyond state of art in the application of lidars for wind and turbulence at a bridge site and to evaluate uncertainties turbulence data observed by wind lidar around exposed airports.

The expected impact from training the 15 ERSs according to the above work plan, is given below.

The wind industry is expected to have a major impact on the EU economy. Within the next 20 years, global wind energy installed capacity is expected to grow by 1000 GW according to the International Energy Agency. Especially for the multi GW offshore installations, each highly skilled specialist will have a huge impact in reducing the cost of energy by allowing better yield assessment, optimized lay-out and control of turbines.

Lidars for wind measurement is still a young technology. Its successful commercialization therefore requires highly skilled experts who have an in-depth knowledge in specific areas of the technology while also having an overall understanding of the total scientific and technological work-flow required. The LIKE training programme combines secondments to companies and academia to allow each ESR to achieve this.

The basis of the ESRs enhanced employability will be the lidar data analysis skills where there is currently a significant skill gap in industry. As the application of scanning lidar within the wind industry gains speed, well-trained young researchers can continue careers into wind farm planning and development, a global renewable green industry which is expected to grow exponentially in the coming decades. Digitalization skills for working with complex data is central in future jobs. All the ESRs will gain strong skills that match the academic and private sector needs, increasing significantly their market value and career prospects in industry and academia.

Further details at
LIKE supervisor team at kick-off meeting October 2019
LIKE logo
LIKE consortium meeting October 2021