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Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its Ways of Knowing


PhD dissertations Cluster 3: The Projective Capacities of Tacit Knowledge

PhD Dissertations form cluster 3 Contexts ANT Values UCL Reflexivity LUHThese will take the form of a conventional PhD dissertation in the field of architectural sciences in that they will stand as individual research projects that are published as an academic book and probe into various aspects of the concrete cases and approaches of tacit knowledge

PhD Dissertations Cluster 2: Probing Tacit Knowledge: Concrete Cases and Approaches

PhD Dissertations from cluster 2 Practices BUW Codes POLIMI Assemblages ABKWThese will take the form of a conventional PhD dissertation in the field of architectural sciences in that they will stand as individual research projects that are published as an academic book and probe into various aspects of the concrete cases and approaches of tacit knowledge

PhD Dissertation ‘Transmitting Tacit Knowledge in Architectural Education'

PhD Dissertation Transmitting Tacit Knowledge in Architectural EducationThis will take the form of a conventional PhD dissertation in the field of architectural sciences in that it will stand as individual research project that is published as an academic book and probes into various aspects of tacit knowledge in architectural education

Book on ‘Tacit Knowledge'

In this book some of the key texts on tacit knowledge in the field of architecture as well as some of the key research findings will be combined and made available in a printed form to an academic and a professional audience The book will be published by an international publishing house with worldwide distribution

Advertisement of ESR vacancies

ETH will be responsible for ensuring that the consolidated list of ESR profiles (please refer to D1.4) is advertised on all relevant academic lists and websites (e.g. EAHN website, SAH website, SAHANZ website, H-Net, s-architecture, cornerstone, EURAXESS etc).

PhD Dissertations Cluster 1: Approaching Tacit Knowledge: Theories and Histories

3 PhD Dissertations from cluster 1 Horizons TUD Frames KTH Vectors AHOThese will take the form of a conventional PhD dissertation in the field of architectural sciences in that they will stand as individual research projects that are published as an academic book and probe into various aspects of the theories and histories of tacit knowledge

Online Training Module ‘Situating Tacit Knowledge'

This training module will be composed of a digitallyaccessible set of lectures exercises and reading materials around the specific theme of Probing Tacit Knowledge Together these components should offer tutors PhD candidates or advanced Master students a solid learning package to acquire knowledge in this field

Online Training Module ‘Approaching Tacit Knowledge'

This training module will be composed of a digitallyaccessible set of lectures exercises and reading materials around the specific theme of Approaching Tacit Knowledge Together these components should offer tutors PhD candidates or advanced Master students a solid learning package to acquire knowledge in this field

Summer school website

Announcement of the meeting on the website.

Online Training Module ‘Probing Tacit Knowledge'

This training module will be composed of a digitallyaccessible set of lectures exercises and reading materials around the specific theme of Probing Tacit Knowledge Together these components should offer tutors PhD candidates or advanced Master students a solid learning package to acquire knowledge in this field

Public Events and Outreach activities 1

The organization of Public Events and Outreach activities such as debates, summer schools, fab labs, citizen lab, at the end of cultural secondments

Final (International) Colloquium

Program and advertisement products for the international colloquium

Exhibition on Tacit Knowledge at VAI

This deliverable consists of the development of an exhibition on Tacit Knowledge in Architecture, which comprises the development of its content, the exhibition design and its promotion. The exhibition will consist of the typical elements of an architectural exhibition, including plans, drawings, sketches and models, but also video and audio recordings of interviews with architects. The exhibition will be based on the research findings of the ESRs and their advisors.

Public Events and Outreach activities 2

The organization of Public Events and Outreach activities such as debates, summer schools, fab labs, citizen lab, at the end of cultural secondments


The Royal National Theatre: From Architecture Review to TikTok

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: OASE, Numer 108, 2021, Strona(/y) 63-72, ISSN 0169-6238
Wydawca: NAi Uitgevers

Trabalho, Receituário e Alienação Na Arquitetura: Apontamentos Críticos à Prática Do Arquiteto

Autorzy: Eric Crevels
Opublikowane w: VI Enanparq Encontro Da Associação Nacional De Pesquisa E Pós-Graduação Em Arquitetura E Urbanismo, Cadernos do Enanparq, 2021, Strona(/y) 1277-1297, ISSN 2358-6214
Wydawca: FAU-UnB

Kalderimi X2, Tzoumerka, Epirus: Paving the Way for a New Generation of Craftspeople

Autorzy: Sklavounos, Ionas, Panagiotis Kostoulas, Grigoris Koutropoulos, Christoforos Theocharis, and Mina Kouvara
Opublikowane w: Journal of Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism, Numer 1, 2020, Strona(/y) 100-111, ISSN 2660-583X
Wydawca: Intbau

Participation and/or/ against tacit knowledge: ILAUD, 1976–1981

Autorzy: Hamish Lonergan
Opublikowane w: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts, 2023, Strona(/y) 21-32, ISSN 1170-585X
Wydawca: Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts

Aspectos da Conceituação do Trabalho em Marx: A Alienação como Abstração Concreta

Autorzy: Eric Crevels
Opublikowane w: Marx e o Marxismo, Numer v.8 n.15, 2020, Strona(/y) 93-114, ISSN 2318-9657
Wydawca: Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

Scale in passing: Re-calibrating narrowness through spatial interventions

Autorzy: Marianna Czwojdrak, Mara Trübenbach
Opublikowane w: Artifact: Journal of Design Practice, Numer Volume 9, 2023, ISSN 1749-3471
Wydawca: Intellect
DOI: 10.1386/art_00027_7

Perspectives on Tacit Knowledge in Architecture

Autorzy: The TACK Network
Opublikowane w: 2023, ISBN 978-3-907363-31-7
Wydawca: TACK Publishing Platform

The tacit dimension : architecture knowledge and scientific research

Autorzy: Schrijver, Lara; Schnell, Angelika; Lending, Mari; Schreurs, Eireen; Avermaete, Tom; Buchert, Margitta; Grafe, Christoph
Opublikowane w: 2021
Wydawca: Leuven University Press / Presses Universitaires de Louvain / Universitaire Pers Leuve

A Joint of Many Worlds: Entangled Stories in Battaile en Ibens's 78+ Construction System in Timber

Autorzy: Eric Crevels
Opublikowane w: Timber and Construction, 2022, Strona(/y) 551-562, ISBN 978-0-9928751-8-3
Wydawca: Construction History Society

Everyday Practice As Paradigm To Study Architectural Contemporary Codes

Autorzy: Claudia Mainardi
Opublikowane w: CA²RE+ 3 – Frameworks of Design-Driven Research, 2023, Strona(/y) 183-186, ISBN 978-3-98781-002-2
Wydawca: Berlin Universities Publishing
DOI: 10.14279/depositonce-16476

Urban Predation: The Symbolic Economy of the Pixo

Autorzy: Alice Queiroz, Eric Crevels
Opublikowane w: Digital Proceedings critic|all International Conference on Architectural Design & Criticism, 2021, Strona(/y) 479-487, ISBN 978-84-09-29471-8
Wydawca: critic|all PRESS

Crackpot’ and ‘Dangerous’: On the Authenticity of Miesian Reproductions

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the Society of Architectural Historians Australia and New Zealand: 37, What If? What Next? Speculations on History’s Futures, Numer 37, 2021, Strona(/y) 207-215, ISBN 978-0-646-83725-3
Wydawca: SAHANZ

Venting Practices: Navigating Interpersonal Dynamics of Socio-Technical Spatial Design Work in Neo-Apartheid Cities

Autorzy: Jhono Bennett, Olwethu Jack, Jacqueline Cuyler
Opublikowane w: The Urban Ecologies of Divided Cities, 2023
Wydawca: Springer

Tacit Knowledge in Architecture – Conference Proceedings 2023

Autorzy: The TACK Network
Opublikowane w: 2023, ISBN 978-3-907363-32-4
Wydawca: TACK Network

Investigating the 21st Century Emerging Approaches to Practice: Codification of Architectural Epistemes, from Discourses to Practices

Autorzy: Claudia Mainardi
Opublikowane w: CA²RE / CA²RE+ Hamburg REFLECTION - Book of Proceedings, 2021, Strona(/y) 180–187, ISBN 978-3-947972-30-2
Wydawca: HafenCity Universität Hamburg


Autorzy: Mara Trübenbach
Opublikowane w: CA²RE / CA²RE+ Hamburg REFLECTION - Book of Proceedings, 2021
Wydawca: Care

The Tangible Presence of Human Labor in Architecture

Autorzy: Eric Crevels
Opublikowane w: Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Ambiances, Alloaesthesia: Senses, Inventions, Worlds, Numer Vol. 2, 2021, Strona(/y) 184-189, ISBN 978-2-9520948-7-0
Wydawca: Réseau International Ambiances

Viral Architecture: Understanding collective tacit knowledge in an online subculture

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: Numer 2, 2020
Wydawca: University Leiden Center for the Arts in Society

Three Cities and a Village with Jan Morris

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: Trans Magazin, Numer 39, 2021, Strona(/y) 9-14
Wydawca: gta Verlag

Hello Iwona

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: Drawing Matter [Website], 2021
Wydawca: Drawing Matter

Queer Stories, Off-Grid

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: Cartha, Numer Vol. 5 No. 2, 2020
Wydawca: Cartha

Federica Doglio in a dialogue with Mirko Zardini: A book interview on crises during a crisis

Autorzy: Claudia Mainardi
Opublikowane w: FAMagazine, Numer 55, 2021, Strona(/y) 182-183, ISSN 2039-0491
Wydawca: FAMagazine

Three Cities and a Village with Jan Morris

Autorzy: Lonergan, Hamish
Opublikowane w: Comfort, Numer 4, 2021, Strona(/y) 9 - 14, ISSN 1420-9713
Wydawca: gta Verlag
DOI: 10.3929/ethz-b-000508936

REFLECTIVE ANIMATION Navigating the What-What

Autorzy: Jhono Bennett
Opublikowane w: Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge, Numer Vol. 2, No. 3/2022: Species of Theses and Other Pieces, 2022, Strona(/y) 229-249
Wydawca: transcript Verlag

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