CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Training European Experts in Multiscale Studies of Neural Crest Development and Disorders: from Patient to Model Systems and Back again.


Regulation embryonaler Zellen gibt Aufschluss über zahlreiche Krankheiten

Neuronale Kammzellen sind eine transiente Gruppe embryonaler, stark migrierender Zellen, aus denen nicht nur der Großteil des peripheren Nervensystems, sondern auch Nebennierenzellen, glatte Muskelzellen des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems, Pigmentzellen der Haut und kraniofaziale Zellen sowie Knochen, Knorpel und Bindegewebe gebildet werden. Neurokristopathien (NCP) entstehen durch Fehlentwicklungen neuronaler Kammzellen, die Tumoren wie Melanome und Neuroblastome begünstigen. Bislang war es jedoch schwierig, Krankheiten spezifisch auf bestimmte Mutationen in diesen Zellen zurückzuführen. Das Projekt NEUcrest will zusammen mit Nachwuchsforscherinnen und -forschern komplexe Aspekte bei der Entstehung von Nervenzellen und Tumoren und allgemein die Regulation von Nervenzellgewebe in der Humanmedizin untersuchen.


Neurocristopathies caused by defects in the neural crest (NC) encompass a broad group of diseases from birth defects (cleftvpalate) to complex syndromes affecting systems such as heart, gut and adrenals. Because NC derivatives are diverse, mutations affecting this lineage can lead to pleiotropic phenotypes making it difficult to understand the causative events. Furthermore, NC-derived cancers, (e.g. melanoma and neuroblastoma) reactivate embryonic programs during tumour initiation. Our aim is to create a unique interdisciplinary network of scientists and clinicians partners from academia, healthcare, industry and the public sector with experience in gene discovery, genetics, functional studies and in vivo phenotyping aimed at training creative and innovative ESRs to study the overall genetic, molecular and environmental regulation of NC tissue in human health. To study each of complex aspects of NC and tumour formation, NEUcrest provides a synergistic framework for comprehensive analysis of candidate genes and biological processes, from patients to model systems to pharma and back to the clinic. With the aim to develop a unified strategy to identify new genetic and environmental factors that contribute to disease and to develop new drug targets for therapeutics, ESRs will address following scientific challenges: undertake novel gene discovery approaches; establish cellular/animal models of disease; establish integrative strategies for understanding neurocristopathies; optimise computational modelling of NC gene networks; establish translational strategies for drug screening in NC-related diseases; improve clinical management strategies of NC-disease and interface with patients and the public. Our training program takes into account training through research as well as multidisciplinary partnerships and networking opportunities. All together, this will improve our understanding of the fundamentals of neurocristopathy and contribute to improvements in healthcare.


€ 549 604,08
75231 Paris

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Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Research Organisations
€ 549 604,08

Beteiligte (10)