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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

FAST and Nano-Enabled SMART Materials, Structures and Systems for Energy Harvesting

CORDIS oferuje możliwość skorzystania z odnośników do publicznie dostępnych publikacji i rezultatów projektów realizowanych w ramach programów ramowych HORYZONT.

Odnośniki do rezultatów i publikacji związanych z poszczególnymi projektami 7PR, a także odnośniki do niektórych konkretnych kategorii wyników, takich jak zbiory danych i oprogramowanie, są dynamicznie pobierane z systemu OpenAIRE .


Project web-site and collaborative platform

Project website with two types of functionalities will be created i as a communication platform with externalspublic for the dissemination and exploitation purpose ii as an internal collaborative platform for information exchange project document repository and discussion forum for the project partners It will be updated regularly and to be reported in Month 6 12 24 and 36


Growth of Carbon Nanomaterials on Half-Heusler Alloys

Autorzy: Ε.P. Typa, S. Termine, A. Alexandratou, A.F. Trompeta, S. Maset, A. Bianchin, C.A. Charitidis
Opublikowane w: 5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering EMERGEMAT, 2022
Wydawca: IMNR

Predictive Modelling Approach for a Piezoelectric Bistable Energy Harvester Architecture

Autorzy: Aya Benhemou; Thomas Huguet; David Gibus; Camille Saint Martin; Quentin Demouron; Adrien Morel; Emile Roux; Ludovic Charleux; Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS), 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/powermems56853.2022.10007567

Growth of hybrid carbon-based nanostructures via chemical vapor deposition

Autorzy: E.P. Typa, S. Termine, A.F. Trompeta, C.A. Charitidis
Opublikowane w: 13th Panhellenic Chemical Engineering Conference, 2022
Wydawca: University of Patras

Oxidation Behaviour of CrSi Coatings Deposited by Magnetron Sputtering and

Autorzy: Zhenxue Zhang, Mikdat Gurtaran , Xiaoying Li and Hanshan Dong
Opublikowane w: European Oxide Scale Conference 2022, 2022
Wydawca: IOM3

Design, manufacturing, assembly and setup of energy harvesters powered hybrid powertrain for energy, automotive and aerospace application

Autorzy: Dr. Eng. Sergio Durante. Dr. Veronika Statauskiene, Dr. Luca Morfino
Opublikowane w: EASN Worldwide Aerospace Conference, Numer Yearly, 2022
Wydawca: EASN

Design approach for post-buckled beams in bistable piezoelectric energy harvesters

Autorzy: Aya Benhemou, Thomas Huguet, David Gibus, Aurélien Carré, Camille Saint-Martin, Émile Roux, Ludovic Charleux, Adrien Morel, Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: IEEE Wireless Power Week (WPW 2022), 2022
Wydawca: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/wpw54272.2022.9853996

Evaluation of thermoelectric thin film deposited by magnetron sputtering technique (poster)

Autorzy: Zhenxue Zhang, Mikdat Gurtaran , Xiaoying Li and Hanshan Dong
Opublikowane w: Conference: Surface Technology Innovations for Net-zero by 2050, 2022
Wydawca: IOM3, UK

Controlling orbits in nonlinear vibration energy harvesters dynamics

Autorzy: Camille Saint-Martin; Adrien Morel; Ludovic Charleux; Émile Roux; Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: 10th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC) 2022, 2022

Combination of a Static Finite Elements Approach and Dynamic Lumped Model for Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester Modeling

Autorzy: Aya Benhemou, Thomas Huguet, David Gibus, Aurélien Carré, Camille Saint-Martin, Emile Roux, Ludovic Charleux, Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators (IWPMA 2021), 2021
Wydawca: IWPMA

Closed loop recycling of energy harvesting modules

Autorzy: George Andreou, Anastasia Alexandratou, Aikaterini-Flora Trompeta, Costas A. Charitidis
Opublikowane w: 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering EmergeMAT, 2021
Wydawca: IMNR

Statistical Performance Assessment of a Bistable Vibration Energy Harvester

Autorzy: Camille Saint-Martin, Adrien Morel, Ludovic Charleux, Émile Roux, Aya Benhemou, Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: International Workshop on Piezoelectric Materials and Applications in Actuators, 2021
Wydawca: IWPMA

Advanced Characterisation Techniques Ensuring the Quality of Recycled Thermoelectric Materials

Autorzy: Aikaterini-Flora Trompeta, Anastasia Alexandratou, Costas Charitidis
Opublikowane w: 4th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Materials Engineering EmergeMAT, 2021
Wydawca: IMNR

Simple analytical models and analysis of bistable vibration energy harvesters

Autorzy: Adrien Morel; Ludovic Charleux; Quentin Demouron; Aya Benhemou; David Gibus; Camille Saint-Martin; Aurélien Carré; Émile Roux; Thomas Huguet; Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: Smart Materials and Structures, Numer Vol. 31, N°10, 2022, Strona(/y) 105016, ISSN 0964-1726
Wydawca: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1361-665x/ac8d3d

Field-assisted sintering of low-temperature thermoelectric material BiTeSe - sintering process and part characterisation

Autorzy: Bo Chen, Yankang Tian, Wenlong Chang, Jie Zhao, Song Yang, Xingguo Zhou, Yi Qin
Opublikowane w: MATEC Web of Conferences, Numer 401, 2024, Strona(/y) 04013, ISSN 2261-236X
Wydawca: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/202440104013

High-Temperature Oxidation Behaviour of CrSi Coatings on 316 Austenitic Stainless Steel. Materials

Autorzy: Gurtaran M, Zhang Z, Li X, Dong H
Opublikowane w: Materials, Numer Vol 16, Numer 9, 2023, ISSN 1996-1944
Wydawca: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma16093533

Characterization of Magnetron Sputtered BiTe-Based Thermoelectric Thin Films

Autorzy: Zhenxue Zhang ,Mikdat Gurtaran,Xiaoying Li,Hio-Ieng Un,Yi Qin and Hanshan Dong
Opublikowane w: Nanomaterials, Numer 2023, 13(1), 208, 2023, ISSN 2079-4991
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/nano13010208

LCA and LCC of Emerging and Incumbent Technologies on Energy Harvesters

Autorzy: Ada Malagnino,Maddalena Rostagno, Giuseppe Gaspare Amaro, Anestis Vlysidis, Anastasia Gkika, Elias Koumoulos and Yi Qin
Opublikowane w: Materials Proceedings, Numer Vol. 5, No. 21, 2021, Strona(/y) 8, ISSN 2673-4605
Wydawca: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/materproc2021005021

Power expectation as a unified metric for the evaluation of vibration energy harvesters

Autorzy: Camille Saint Martin; Adrien Morel; Ludovic Charleux; Emile Roux; Aya Benhemou; Adrien Badel
Opublikowane w: Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Numer Vol. 181, 2022, Strona(/y) 109482, ISSN 0888-3270
Wydawca: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.ymssp.2022.109482

Hybrid Carbon Nanostructures

Autorzy: E.P. Typa
Opublikowane w: 2022
Wydawca: National Technical University of Athens

Recycling of thermoelectric and piezoelectric devices

Autorzy: George Andreou
Opublikowane w: 2021
Wydawca: National Technical University of Athens

Growth of Carbon Structures through Chemical Vapour Deposition on Bimetallic Compounds

Autorzy: A. Manasi
Opublikowane w: 2022
Wydawca: National Technical University of Athens

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