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Commercialisation of novel ultra-fast 3D laser scanning technology

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 3DSCAN (Commercialisation of novel ultra-fast 3D laser scanning technology)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2019-06-01 do 2020-11-30

Understanding how the brain processes information is one of the unsolved grand challenges in science. Moreover, neurological disorders, which disrupt information processing, have an enormous societal and economic impact. Studying information processing in the brain requires measurements of signals as they flow through neural circuits. However, the 3D nature of brain circuits and the speed of information transfer makes it difficult for neuroscientists to measure their properties with sufficiently high spatial and temporal resolution. During the NEUROGAIN ERC project, we substantially extended the functionality of a novel type of Acousto-Optic Lens (AOL)-based high-speed 3D laser scanner. This enables the focusing and scanning of a laser beam at 20-40 kHz. This laser scanning technology can be added to existing two-photon microscopes to enable 3D imaging of neurons and circuits with unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. Moreover, it can also be used to automatically correct for brain movement in real-time providing sharper images. The goals of this ERC PoC were to facilitate the commercialization of this 3D scanning technology by providing support to protect the IP for this technology, refine low-cost manufacture and to explore markets and likely industrial partners in microscopy, biosciences and beyond. The grant enabled Agile Diffraction Ltd, a UCL spin out company, to sign an exclusive licence agreement for access to the key IP to commercialise the technology. The AOL 3D scanner manufacturing process has been tested, founder investment was used to acquire inventory to start building AOL laser scanners, and the product is now available for customers ( Agile Diffraction is now engaging with individual scientists keen to purchase the 3D scanner for their labs and institutions. Furthermore, communications and negotiations with potential industry partners and investors are ongoing.