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Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - TRIPLE (Transforming Research through Innovative Practices for Linked interdisciplinary Exploration)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-02-01 do 2023-03-31

GoTriple overcomes the disciplinary, linguistic and cultural fragmentation of SSH research by providing a single multilingual access point to material currently scattered across local repositories.The platform helps users to explore, access and (re)use open scholarly SSH resources. Digital technology has changed the way research is conducted : researchers need to find information, define research objects and collaborate with their peers across different types of data, languages, topics and disciplines. This is particularly true in the context of Open Science that breaks the silos of knowledge and connects research with the needs of the society. The TRIPLE platform is a next generation tool that can answer those needs by providing a 360° discovery solution. This objective has been done by indexing several millions of data and amongst them, more than 9 million publications, 20 000 projects and more than 7 million authors and by giving access to data in 11 languages and an open annotation tool that can be public for researchers registered to the PUNDIT service. Lastly, the platform indexes more than 13 European aggregators and national repositories. GoTriple makes use of innovative digital tools to support research, and it discovers new ways of funding research, for instance through a crowdfunding platform. GoTriple fosters new interdisciplinary collaborations in Europe and worldwide by bringing together researchers with diverse skills, practices and competencies, language and cultural backgrounds. The consortium has developed synergies and collaborations with other projects and initiatives. GoTriple supports scientific, industrial and societal applications of SSH science by maximising the reuse of resources through Open Science and FAIR principles and a multidisciplinary transfer of knowledge. GoTriple increases the economic and societal impact of SSH resources for the scientific community at large, but also for citizens, policy makers, the media and enterprises.
During the last period 18 deliverables were submitted, two from the WP1, three from the WP2, two from the WP3, three from the WP4 , one from the WP5, three from the WP6, two from the WP7 and finally two from the WP8.
WP2 Data Acquisition continued the work in respective tasks to oversee the effective harvesting of metadata and enrichment in the platform. Data discoverability was enhanced through various types and use of controlled vocabularies. A minimal set of categories was used for machine learning for all the languages of the platform. A mapping of existing classifications in the field has been realised, and new mappings were created. Links with the widely used controlled vocabularies were provided through automated semantic annotation and completed with disambiguation tools.Additionally resources on critical cataloguing have been shared on Zenodo to be adapted and reused in other local and national contexts (see “Reasons for difference”). Starting from September 2022 Net7 has taken over the development of the platform in WP4. Albeit there was a change in the development team, this didn’t pose any risk since: Net7 was already responsible of the technical decisions regarding the implementation of GoTriple since March 2022. It was already involved in the TRIPLE project, knowing therefore both the general goals and the technical architecture of the platform. Net7 personnel have multi-year working experience in the technologies used for the development. Work on WP5 was based on a weekly SCRUM video conference held every Monday, together with the WP4 team, communications via chat by using a dedicated Mattermost channel, an issue tracker service for keeping track of the integration of the Innovative Services in GoTriple.There was a constant collaboration amongst the members of WP5, who also worked in cooperation with the other WPs. The work achieved in WP6 regards the participation in the EOSC Association activities, the organisation of training events, the creation of a reproducible workflow to create training events and manage training materials following a FAIR-by-design method, the organisation of three workshops for the TRIPLE consortium, the exploitation of two WP6 key exploitable results and the implementation of synergies with relevant stakeholders. During the last period WP7 worked on the exploitation strategy and a sustainable business model. The focus was on the development of a mature Business Plan which covers all relevant aspects such, as a Business Opportunity Self-Assessment, a definition of a Unique Value Proposition, providing market insights regarding early adopters, market size estimations, market trends, and competition. The financial section of the business plan provides insight into the cost estimates and the expected revenues. Besides the Business Plan, the WP7 team developed a TRIPLE governance framework called “GoTriple Committee”, which defines the responsibilities, practices and procedures to set the strategic direction and allocate the resources. WP8 organised itself in seven task forces to distribute the workload (1) writing of fact sheets in the native languages, (2) organisation of ThatCamp #2 “Scientific Crowdfunding” and ThatCamp #3 “Sustainability in Open Science”, (3) dissemination measures, (4) ambassadors recruitment, (5) crowdfunding initiative , (6) Video Tutorial Series and (7) KPIs and communication and dissemination measures.The team also worked on the organisation of TRIPLE events: 2 ThatCamps as well as the second hackathon and the final conference. In addition, it delivered dissemination and information material to serve as a resource for the OPERAS communication officer, thereby ensuring the sustainability of TRIPLE communication endeavours, prepared and presented contributions of the project at external events.
TRIPLE integrated co-design principles into research and the development of new services. Users are key to all phases of the process, from needs analysis to tool testing and evaluation.
Fostering innovation potential: EOSC ecosystem to innovative actors.The challenge was to enable multidisciplinary transfer of knowledge and, second, to facilitate the transfer and uptake of SSH research relevant for societal challenges. The platform answers to both needs by offering the possibility to develop networks and projects inside SSH fields and by opening up the community and the results of the research it carries out to a broader audience. Because of a close link with the SSH Open Cloud (SSHOC) project, the platform is a major component of the SSH marketplace, entry door of the EOSC. Through the platform, PUNDIT and visualisation service are involved in the EOSC ecosystem.
Strengthen citizens’ trust toward science especially SSH research for society: GoTriple is a way to build and simplify collaborations between researchers, a scientific platform to develop research and a cultural platform to discover European diversity in terms of societies, languages and practices. GoTriple deals mainly with cultural and social practices in European societies.It contributes to the promotion of cultural diversity inside Europe.
Supporting the objectives of Open Science by improving access to content and resources and facilitating interdisciplinary collaborations: GoTriple improves the access to open content and resources and facilitates collaborations across disciplinary and language boundaries, data sharing, and usage according to the FAIR principles.
Final GoTriple home page (15 May 2023)
GoTriple timeline
TRIPLE core, ingestion of data and integration of innovation services
GoTriple schema