CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Smart Cabin System for cabin readiness COVID Amendment


Intelligentere Kabinenlösungen gehen an den Start

Die Luftfahrtindustrie braucht neue kostengünstige und zuverlässige Lösungen, um Sicherheit und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigern zu können. Die Branche unterliegt neuen Vorschriften wie zum Beispiel den Anforderungen an die zeitliche Beschränkung des Flugtickets für Kabinengepäck. Das von den beiden Hauptakteuren für Luftfahrtkamerasysteme und maschinelles Lernen, OTOMY Aviation und VICOMTECH, geleitete EU-finanzierte Projekt SmaCS schlägt eine moderne Lösung zur digitalisierten Überprüfung von Handgepäck vor. Das Projekt wird einen Maschinenlernalgorithmus für die Kabinengepäckkontrolle bei schlechten Licht- und Kontrastverhältnissen entwickeln. Außerdem wird eine moderne Methode etabliert, um datengesteuerte Vorhersagen treffen zu können. Das Projekt arbeitet überdies an einer flugzeugverträglichen Hardware zur Bilddatenverarbeitung. Insgesamt wird diese neue Technologie sicherheitsbezogene Lösungen im Luft- und Verkehrssektor fördern.


The SMACS project, led by OTONOMY Aviation and VICOMTECH, aspires to conceive a camera-based prototype solution for digitalized on-demand verification of TTL requirements for cabin luggage. It will be designed to be highly reliable, cost effective and easy to upgrade, with potential additional camera-based verification services.

To fulfil this ambition, the consortium will capitalise on 3 main pillars:
- A robust Machine Learning algorithm for cabin luggage recognition in low light and low contrast environment that will be built from VICOMTECH’s AI libraries and specific developments
- A highly innovative way to produce learning dataset based on videos coupled with synthetic 3D models
- An aircraft compliant, ultra-light, ultra-compact Image data processing hardware based on COTS, with highly adaptable CVMS interface connection capabilities.

VICOMTECH brings to the consortium its large experience and proven competencies in developing machine-learning based algorithms, notably for object recognition, and its rare and precious capacity to train algorithms from synthetic 3D models to reach higher performances at unmatchable costs.

OTONOMY Aviation brings to the consortium its deep knowledge of aeronautic compliant camera systems and camera implementation in aircraft cabins. Moreover, OTONOMY’s strong relationship with major actors of the ecosystem such as Airbus Interiors Services permitted to get a highly realistic synthetic model of an A320 aircraft that will be used for the algorithm training.

The SMACS project will generate new technology breakthrough for the use of IA in aeronautic and will bring new safety-related solutions to other sectors such as public transportations (trains, buses etc.).

It will also enable OTONOMY to introduce smart IA-empowered cameras in the aeronautic ecosystem, opening new and various opportunities for aeronautic competitiveness, safety and ecology. The derived products will generate an additional turnover of 10M$/year.


IA - Innovation action


€ 447 650,00
33700 Merignac

Auf der Karte ansehen

Nouvelle-Aquitaine Aquitaine Gironde
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 639 500,00

Beteiligte (1)