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REsilient WAter Innovation for Smart Economy


Stakeholder mapping and societal contexts in each Living Lab

Report of the societal analysis in each LLs to overcome societal challenges including the knowledge of expert stakeholders after the recruitment of regionallocal stakeholder linked to the LLs Task related T91

"#1 Communication Plan"

The communication plan will describe the coordination of the overall communication efforts of the consortium and the actions tailoring to the needs of target audience with the aim to maximize the project visibility It will ensure the design implementation and follow up of an efficient communication strategy starting with the mapping of Key Messages and target audiences and adapted by continuous fine tuning made during implementation of the different actionsTask related T12

"#1 Internal Ethical and Gender Dimensions Guideline"

It will contribute to ensure the safety rights dignity and wellbeing of each person and related data collection and processing It will include the guidelines for involving humans in innovation actions and the ethical approvals for he collection of personal data Task related T16

"#2 Communication Plan"

The communication plan will describe the coordination of the overall communication efforts of the consortium and the actions tailoring to the needs of target audience with the aim to maximize the project visibility. It will ensure the design, implementation and follow up of an efficient communication strategy, starting with the mapping of Key Messages and target audiences, and adapted by continuous fine tuning made during implementation of the different actions. Task related: T1.2

"#1 Dissemination & Exploitation Plan"

Dissemination Exploitation Plan describing the set of dissemination in order to maximise the visibility of REWAISE results In addition lessons learned in networking meetings will be taken into account Task related T85


Influence of the aqueous matrix on the degradation of cyanotoxins by CWPO: A study on the Iberian Peninsula freshwaters

Autorzy: David Ortiz a, Macarena Munoz a, Samuel Cirés b, José L. Arribas Mediero c, Maria C. Crisostomo d, Andrea C. Forero Ortiz e, Zahara M. de Pedro a, Frank Rogalla e, Antonio Quesada b, Jose A. Casas a
Opublikowane w: ELSEVIER. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, ISSN 2213-3437
Wydawca: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.jece.2023.110581

A low-temperature ammonia electrolyser for wastewater treatment and hydrogen production

Autorzy: Eglė Latvytė a, Xuanheng Zhu a, Liang Wu a, Rong Lan a, Peter Vale b, John E. Graves a
Opublikowane w: ELSEVIER. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, ISSN 1879-3487
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.05.076

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