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Towards a new EU-LAC partnership in Research Infrastructures

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - EU-LAC ResInfra (Towards a new EU-LAC partnership in Research Infrastructures)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-06-01 do 2023-02-28

EU-LAC ResInfra project pursues the construction of a bi-regional collaboration between European Union and the LAC countries, envisaging a range of different activities that will contribute to this aim.
Firstly, the project will create a map of National and Regional Research Infrastructures policies, with the objective of identifying eligible research infrastructures upon which to build this bi-regional collaboration.
Additionally, the project will develop four pilot projects, building on existing European Research Infrastructures, each in an area of knowledge identified as a priority for the scientific cooperation between the EU and LAC.
Finally, the project will produce a Sustainability plan, including specific action aimed to support this be-regional collaboration in the medium term, as well as an analysis of research infrastructures’ capacity and feasibility.

The main outcome of the project will be the development of a stable framework of cooperation and a roadmap that will:

- promote the internationalization of RIs from both regions,
- reinforce EU-LAC cooperation and
- perform human capital development and capacity building

More specifically, by making use of extant collaboration experience, the resulting framework of cooperation will promote joint research actions and facilitate access to high level scientific instruments, methods and data, as well as the exchange of best practices regarding research infrastructures management.
The main objectives established for the second reporting period have been attained. Work carried out during the period has shown increasing levels of efficiency and effectiveness of the coordination and support actions performed and has resulted in relevant outputs for the project development:

a) To gather and to analyse the EU and LAC information on national and regional research and innovation strategies, policies and roadmaps. (WP3)
b) To develop a number of pilots aimed to validate the cooperation between EU and LAC RIs (WP4)
c) To collaborate with other initiatives and projects (WP5)
d) To define and implementing a Communication and Dissemination plan (WP6)
e) To develop project management and coordination procedures to achieve the project objectives (WP7).

The four pilots are implementing several activities such as staff exchanges and workshops.

* Collaboration with other initiatives and projects
The EU LAC ResInfra project activities, foreseen and reported, are fully aligned with the bi-regional cooperation agenda. Moreover, these activities are linked not only with other projects cofunded by the EC or other funding body, but with relevant and well-known worldwide initiatives.
More specifically, the project is keeping:
- Contact with initiatives, institutions, and Fora such as: ICRI, EU CELAC SOM, ESFRI or the OECD Large Research Infrastructures WG.
- Contact and collaboration with RI NCPs of EU & LAC countries
- Contact with ESFRI RIs:
ERIC FORUM survey on ERICs interested in the LAC collaboration.
- Support to the EU CELAC WG on RI. EU LAC ResInfra kept continue the activity of the SOM RI WG during 2021 and 2022, until a new Services Facility contract is launched.
- Collaboration with the EU-LAC Interest Group in the 4th Joint Call launched in April 2022

• Implementing and updating a Communication and Dissemination plan
The Communication and Dissemination Plan was created and submitted (D6.1). In addition, dissemination activities continued
- Social Media channels, Webpage & LinkedIn KPIs were achieved
- Two newsletters were distributed
- Update of foreseen activities (videos, interviews, etc)
EU LAC ResInfra project partners have worked hard to tailor consortium efforts related to achieving goals and activities undertaken since the beginning of the project to meet the main expected impacts defined in the DoA. These impacts, related to the development of a stable framework of cooperation between the two regions, are in line with the impacts expected by the European Commission:
The objectives of the project and especially the objectives of the WP5 concerning the set-up of a fruitful relationship between EU LAC ResInfra and other initiatives such as the EU CELAC WG on RI, the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM), or other groups related to RI such as the Group of Senior Officials on Global Research Infrastructures (GSO-GRI), the OECD, the World Science Forum (OECD-GSF) and the ESFRI paving the way to achieve the expected impacts.
EU LAC ResInfra supports and enhances the communication between RI (from LAC especially) and EU CELAC WG on RI members, motivating them to collaborate among them. LAC region was really well represented and we think that the project work was really effective.
On the other hand, form the EU perspective, the four project pilots are playing a key role in the development of the international outreach of the European research infrastructures' ecosystem and they will contribute to capacity building and RI human capital development in both regions in the next period of the project.
Finally, we cannot forget that the EU LAC ResInfra consortium was selected with the both technical and political expected project impacts and goals in mind. The consortia counts with a number of Ministries acting as policy makers, Research funding organisations and RI with the capability to propose future activities and roadmaps to the SOM or other institutions. In fact, it is foreseen that , at least during 2021, the project take over the organisation of meetings and other activities of the EU CELAC WG on RI.

In conclusion, through the implementation of the project activities, the EU LAC ResInfra Consortium has established privileged relationships with relevant organizations and key stakeholders across Europe and LAC. These privileged relationships represent invaluable assets to support EU-LAC dialogues and to achieve the expected impacts. The project’s activities have been of the utmost importance to first build and then solidify these connections and to further amplify the impact of EU LAC ResInfra.
EU LAC RESINFRA Final Conference - ICRI22
2ng General Assembly , July 22 Montevideo - Welcome
2ng General Assembly , July 22 Montevideo - consortium
Collaboration 4th Joint call EU CELAC