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Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - IPANEMA (Integration of PAper-based Nucleic acid testing mEthods into Microfluidic devices for improved biosensing Applications)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-01-01 do 2023-08-31

IPANEMA project exploits complementary expertise of consortium members to: 1) Create a knowledge/experience sharing network of scientists, entrepreneurs and end-users in the multidisciplinary field of biosensors for POCT (point-of care testing) use; 2) Develop innovative bottom-up approaches for fabrication of low-cost POCT devices, implementing paper-based nucleic acid testing (NAT) methods; 3) Pursue applications in 3 important industry sectors – healthcare, agrifood and environmental monitoring.
Current biosensor research is directed towards integration of NAT into microfluidic devices to further increase biosensing capacity and develop diagnostic tools that can meet ASSURED criteria [Affordable, Sensitive, Specific, User-friendly, Rapid and robust, Equipment-free and Deliverable] recommended by the World Health Organization.
In IPANEMA, the final POCT devices will be hybrid devices comprising microfluidic chips made of our own patented materials with integrated paper strips/pads on which isothermal NATs (isoNATs) will be performed.

The core of the IPANEMA project involves researchers: The staff going to secondments greatly benefits from IPANEMA;both research expertise and soft skills are improved. In a nutshell, IPANEMA researchers (in particular ESRs, who make ~ 50% of the staff), are empowered to become future leaders in science and industry, as well as entrepreneurs capable of spin-offs and self-employment.
Project activities conducted in the first reporting period (RP1) followed the initial plan and appropriate tasks of five work packages. Apart from WP1, concerned with Project Management activities, WP5 that comprises Dissemination & Outreach activities, three core work packages were also executed: WP2 - Staff exchange, WP3 - Joint research Projects, and WP4 - Trainings and Workshops.
WP2 has focus on realization and support a balanced joint exchange programme of researchers between the European and third-country institutions as well as intersectoral exchange between academia and industry.
During RP1 period, following 40 secondments were done: 8 ER & 3 ESR from BIOS to POT; 1 ER from BIOS to GPIR; 1 ER & 2 ESR from BIOS to ANV; 2 ESR from BIOS to EDEN; 1 ESR from INESC to ANV; 1 ESR from INESC to EFU; 1 ESR from INESC to POT; 1 ER from INESC to DIA; 2 ER from BGU to EDEN; 2 ER & 2 ESR from BGU to EFU; 1 ER & 1 ADM from POT to INESC; 1 ER & 1 ADM from POT to INRAE; 2 ER & 1 ESR from EFU to INRAE; 3 ER & 3 ESRs from INRAE to EFU.
All conducted secondments within the RP1 were followed by a detailed description of the research and training activities of each exchange (Task 2.2).

In RP1 , several milestones have been achieved within WP3: 1. M4 First defined protocol for NA extraction & amplification and 2. M9 First joint published journal paper.
It is important to highlight that all researchers who were on secondments at the partner institutions (through WP2) worked on some of the main research objectives of the Project: 1. Development of protocols for different nucleic acid extraction & amplification methods; 2. Optimization and functionalization of optical fibers for detection of LAMP products; 3. Development of graphene-based sensors; 4. Development of specific microfluidic technology for integration with SPR devices.
WP4 - Activities within the WP4 were mostly focused on 1. Organization of Scientific Online Lectures (SOL) and Invited Scientific Online Lectures (ISOL) (11 in total in RP1), in order to achieve improvement of scientific and technical skills of the participating staff (Task 4.1); 2. Organization of Online Journal Clubs (OJCs) (7 in total in RP1) dedicated to ESRs that are extremely important for developing soft skills connected to teamwork, knowledge transfer, scientific communication, new project preparation, etc. (Task 4.1); 3. Organization of a workshop intended for knowledge sharing between the members of the consortium as well as for the dissemination to the wider R&I community (Task 4.2); and 3. Technical training during secondments - Within WP2 and WP3 the seconded staff had an opportunity to take part in hands-on training to get familiar with the specific lab equipment and specific methodologies at the host premises (Task 4.3).
WP5 - Dissemination and exploitation of the project results planned in the WP5 were primarily focused on the strategy development for reassuring of the proper dissemination of project outcomes and providing them an adequate spectrum of visibility. Concretely in the second month of the Project, the IPANEMA Plan for the Exploitation and Dissemination of Results – PEDR was made ( described in detail in D5.1) thus achieving one of the main objectives of this WP (Task 5.1). IPANEMA PEDR specifies a plan for targeted dissemination to the stakeholder groups: scientists and researchers, students and pupils, industrial and various other end-users (tissue engineers, farmers, agrifood companies, water monitoring facilities), general public and citizens, etc.
WP5 also yielded a wide range of dissemination tools and materials, mainly both in the digital form in RP1, all prepared under the same IPANEMA visual identity.
The IPANEMA project combines complementary expertise of European academic and industrial beneficiaries, as well as third country technological leaders. It aims at efficient transfer of knowledge through balanced and carefully planned staff exchange between Consortium members. The joint research and innovation projects are carried out through international and intersectoral secondments and training, which enable participating institutions to expand their interdisciplinary knowledge and achieve imperative scientific breakthroughs while converting the research results into commercial products. IPANEMA implements activities well beyond the current state-of-the-art by focusing fundamental research towards development of concrete laboratory prototypes/early-stage products and by exposing researchers to the process of co-creation together with the industrial partners.
Expected results of the IPANEMA project are development of beyond the state-of-the-art POCT-like biosensing device(s) that combines several capabilities in a single unit: nucleic acid extraction, (reverse transcription step for RNA) and amplification of a target sequence followed by amplicon detection and signal transduction applicable in healthcare, agriculture, and environmental monitoring.
IPANEMA will contribute to the development of new and lasting research collaborations and knowledge transfer between participating organizations. It will boost research and innovation potential at the European and global levels and enhance the potential and future career perspectives of the staff members.
Technological concept of the IPANEMA project