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OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - OPTIMIST (OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-05-01 do 2023-04-30

The OPTIMIST programme sets the ambitious aim to develop a modular end-to-end service platform tailored to the optimized delivery of personalised video content in 5G mobile networks, providing one of the first world-wide implementations of MEC-enabled service provisioning in 5G networks that is fully compatible with the emerging ETSI/3GPP reference architectures. To achieve this, the OPTIMIST service platform will design and implement different Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC) services, which are currently studied in an isolated fashion in current literature, (e.g. edge network caching exploiting edge storage resources, video transcoding and data-driven content popularity prediction exploiting edge processing resources, optimized video content placement and delivery exploiting the new 5G radio capabilities), in the form of virtual network functions (VNFs) that are instantiated and optimized on-the-fly to construct a video service chain that is designed to meet the personalized requirements of 5G mobile video consumers. To formalize the integration of MEC capabilities into the operation of 5G mobile networks, the OPTIMIST service platform will be fully aligned with the existing and forthcoming standardization activities in the areas of MEC and 5G networks (ETSI MEC and 3GPP); thus, maximizing the impact of the project in the long-term both in terms of academic results (new methodological tools and algorithmic innovations) and market products (deliver specific products / services that will enhance the portfolio of industrial partners). To this end, OPTIMIST will leverage state-of-the-art (SotA) technologies in MEC-empowered service provisioning, data-driven service control and automation, QoE-driven dynamic adaptive video streaming over HTTP (DASH), GPS-free localization and machine learning (ML) for wireless communications.

To fulfil the ambitious objectives, OPTIMIST will pursue inter-disciplinary and cross-sectoral research that goes beyond current SotA in the following areas: i) MEC/RAN integration and NFV in 5G networks, ii) MEC-empowered service provisioning for stateful video services, iii) QoE-driven service optimization and DASH and iv) data-driven automation and control of 5G MEC services.
Duringh the reporting period, the consortium completed a light introduction to the MEC, presented the important role the orchestrator holds in respect to the overall MEC architecture, as well as the relationship that MEC orchestrator has with the various components that compose the multi-access edge system. In addition, the consortium conducted an overview of the communication and interactions happening between the MEC and its neighboring components through the various interfaces and reference points attached to these entities. To support the design, they have overviewed all the business and message flows happening between the MEC orchestrator and the rest of the components that compose the OPTIMIST Service Platform.

Moreover, work has been conducted towards two separate yet complementary OPTIMIST service modules: the OPTIMIST platform manager and the OPTIMIST MEC Host. Towards the OPTIMIST MEC platform manager, the consortium has successfully achieved all original project objectives fully describing the functional split and role of the OPTIMIST MEC platform manager, providing different communication and discovery tools for inter-platform cooperation. Also, the OPTIMIST information models in light of current state-of-the-art have been specified and the full OPTIMIST platform manager lifecycle has been specified in detail. Enabling technologies have been meticulously studied and related frameworks have also been investigated. Towards the OPTIMIST MEC host and service modules, the consortium has presented a state-of-the-art assessment on Dynamic Adaptive Video Streaming over HTTP (DASH) and content caching, proximity estimation, radio connectivity over 3GPP networks, and also provided the design and functional/interfacing capabilities between the MEC platform manager and the MEC host.

Finally, the consortium conducted an in-depth study on SotA tools for devising model-based, data-driven and QoE-aware service automation in joint 5G MEC-enabled service architectures, as well as joint work towards the OPTIMIST data analysis algorithms, models and filters, spanning all modules of the OPTIMIST service architecture. In addition, the original idea of extending QoE control modules to the 5G MEC service scenario has been successfully completed with the design and implementation of a comprehensive optimization algorithm for joint content caching and video bitrate selection in slice-enabled network environments.

The above mentioned work has been communicated through various means such as social media, scientific papers, workshop, exhibitions, etc.
The OPTIMIST project will advance current SotA in a number of areas relevant to 5G service provisioning, by exploiting emerging technologies, such as MEC, QoE, DASH and data analytics. OPTIMIST envisages a modular e2e service architecture enabling each OPTIMIST partner to fully exploit the ToK achieved through the RISE action and develop algorithmic innovations that will drive the creation and optimization of MEC-enabled 5G services in the years to come (e.g. 5G-specific QoE monitoring and control mechanisms by UOA, DASH protocols by FOG, advanced logic for SFC and MEC service VNFs by IQU, MEC-enabled proximity estimation mechanisms and video transcoders by UAQ, 5G MEC data analytics by CTTC, SotA simulation tools for 5G service assessment by WST).

For academic partners, the foreseen algorithmic innovations and the participation to OPTIMIST will i) increase the visibility of their labs, ii) enable them to integrate SotA building blocks in their infrastructures and upgrade their equipment targeting to use cases/scenarios that are close-to-market, iii) enhance their potential for participation in competitive EU-funded projects in related areas, iv) allow them to align their offered set of courses with the current market needs and v) study emerging 5G and MEC technologies tailored to the delivery of mobile video content through new PhD, MSc or BSc theses assignments.

For industrial partners, the interaction with academic partners and the integration of the OPTIMIST algorithmic innovations will i) deepen their understanding in the use of new technologies into their products, ii) enable them to upgrade the operation of existing products incorporating cutting-edge technologies, iii) open the road ahead for enriching their portfolio of services and market products, iv) enlarge their capability to handle research and innovation projects by extending the theoretical and technical background of their R&D staff, v) open the road ahead for their participation in large-scale EUfunded research and innovation actions providing them with valuable assets to this end (know-how, relevant products, SotA methodologies, etc.), vi) increase their EU awareness by actively engaging them in the dissemination and communication loop with EU citizens, vii) provide them with unique opportunities to upgrade their equipment and research infrastructures to incorporate emerging SotA technologies, and viii) provide them unique competitive advantages against other SMEs located inside and outside the EU in the 5G service arena.