CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

NextPerception - Next generation smart perception sensors and distributed intelligence for proactive human monitoring in health, wellbeing, and automotive systems


Fortschrittliche Sensortechnologien für den Gesundheits- und Automobilsektor

Intelligente komplexe Systeme haben insbesondere im Gesundheitswesen und im Bereich des autonomen Fahrens enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen. Die Genauigkeit und Aktualität der Entscheidungen hängt dabei von der Fähigkeit der Systeme ab, Personen und ihre Umgebung genau zu verstehen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt NextPerception wird Sensortechnologien wie Radar, LiDAR und Flugzeitkameras weiterentwickeln und verbessern, sodass menschliches Verhalten und physiologische Parameter besser erkannt werden. Dazu wird das Projekt intelligente Wahrnehmungssensoren der nächsten Generation entwickeln und das Modell der verteilten Intelligenz überarbeiten, um anpassungsfähige, sichere, zuverlässige und dynamische Lösungen zur Überwachung von Menschen in den Bereichen Gesundheit, Wohlbefinden und Automobilindustrie zu schaffen. Das neue Modell der verteilten Intelligenz wird durch spezifische Instrumente unterstützt, die auf den Vorteilen von Edge- und Cloud-Computing basieren.


We put our lives increasingly in the hands of smart complex systems making decisions that directly affect our health and wellbeing. This is very evident in healthcare - where systems watch over your health - as well as in traffic - where autonomous driving solutions are gradually taking over control of the car. The accuracy and timeliness of the decisions depend on the systems’ ability to build a good understanding of both you and your environment, which relies on observations and the ability to reason on them.
This project will bring perception sensing technologies like Radar, LiDAR and Time of Flight cameras to the next level, enhancing their features to allow for more accurate detection of human behaviour and physiological parameters. Besides more accurate automotive solutions ensuring driver vigilance and pedestrian and cyclist safety, this innovation will open up new opportunities in health and wellbeing to monitor elderly people at home or unobtrusively assess health state.
To facilitate building the complex smart sensing systems envisioned and ensure their secure and reliable operation, the new Distributed Intelligence paradigm will be embraced, enhanced and supported by tools. It leverages the advantages of Edge and Cloud computing, building on the distributed computational resources increasingly available in sensors and edge components to distribute also the intelligence.
The goal of this project is to develop next generation smart perception sensors and enhance the distributed intelligence paradigm to build versatile, secure, reliable, and proactive human monitoring solutions for the health, wellbeing, and automotive domains
The project brings together major industrial players and research partners to address top challenges in health, wellbeing, and automotive domains through three use cases: integral vitality monitoring for elderly and exercise, driver monitoring, and providing safety and comfort for vulnerable road users at intersections.

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€ 488 731,25
02150 Espoo

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Manner-Suomi Helsinki-Uusimaa Helsinki-Uusimaa
Research Organisations
€ 1 396 375,00

Beteiligte (43)