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Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's and Key Account Management in Niedersachsen / Lower-Saxony

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - N-Supp_INNO-20-21 (Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME's and Key Account Management in Niedersachsen / Lower-Saxony)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-01-01 do 2021-12-31

Within the N-Supp Inno project, the project partners NBank and Leibniz Universität Hannover helped companies (SMEs) to bring innovative ideas to commercial success on international markets. Innovation support services were open to all kinds of businesses. Our network experts assessed which services are best suited to the specific development phase of the business: innovation awareness, innovation capacity building and innovation management.
Within this N-Supp Inno project, the partners focussed on innovation capacity building and innovation management. Our services included innovation audits, strategy advice, advice on technology marketing, advice on access to finance for innovation and links with local innovation stakeholders.
Regarding innovation management, we helped companies to adapt their business plan, manage their innovation activities and align their innovation strategy with other business processes.
N-Supp-Inno experts
• performed innovation management capacity and gaps assessments (NBank innovation audit) in close cooperation with the senior management of the client;
• developed an action plan with the client to tackle identified gaps; and
• helped to implement the action plan and indicated paths for further development.
Furthermore, the EEN Lower-Saxony experts provided key account management services to businesses benefitting from the EIC accelerator. We helped beneficiaries to identify coaching needs and selected suitable business coaches, facilitated the coaching process and we empowered beneficiaries to successfully conclude their project and planned the next development phase.
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic situation and various lock-down situations in 2020 and 2021, the consortium was able to exceed its goals for EIMC services: The consortium conducted 30 EIMC (Enhancement of Innovation Management capacities) services (NBank: 23, LUH: 7) and 3 KAM services (NBank).Originally we planned 28 EIMC cases and 4 KAM cases. The consortium started to conduct online innovation audit talks via webex rsp. zoom software. The Enterprise Europe Network Innovation Management service was noticed and recognised in our region. New cooperation with regional networks and stakeholders were established. We developed a voucher for a free innovation audit that regional economic development agencies pass on to their corporate clients. By continuously deepening this cooperation, we have succeeded in increasing awareness of the EEN's services.
The consortium conducted 30 EIMC (Enhancement of Innovation Management capacities) services (NBank: 23, LUH: 7) and 3 KAM services (NBank).Originally we planned 28 EIMC cases and 4 KAM cases.

WP 1 - KAM Services and promotion of HEU / EIC programs
During the project period, more than 400 companies from Lower Saxony were informed about the funding opportunities of the EIC-Accelerator (Pilot) formerly SME Instrument via info mailings and information events. To highlight one activity to promote the SME Instrument: The network organized a Horizon Europe Campaign with 6 Online Events in June and July 2021. The campaign was in cooperation with the Innovation Network Niedersachsen, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Science, the National Contact Point for the EIC Accelerator, the Regional Business Development Network and the EU Hochschulreferenten (university specialists) Network.
About 65 companies received detailed information and individual advice about the EIC Accelerator. From these 65 companies receiving individual advice and information, 4 companies prepared and submitted a proposal for the EIC Accelerator while receiving intensive support by the N-Supp Inno consortium. The reasons for the low number of submitters in Lower Saxony were identified as the following:
1. Low success rate for the EIC Accelerator in general. Many companies step back from writing a proposal due to the low success rate
2. The first calls for the EIC Accelerator started only in April 2021
3. The new application process without phase 1 of the SME instrument
4. Covid 19 related issues
To gain success the KAM and Horizon services follow a no wrong door policy. The respective EEN specialist is the main contact for the company that is interested in EU R&I Funding. Since every customer has different needs and problems, we work closely with other sources of information and support e.g. the EEN Network especially TG research, National Contact Points as well as other departments at the NBank with access to and knowledge about regional and federal funding sources. Our integrated approach means that our services reach beyond EU Programs and are tailor-made for every client.

WP2 Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity for innovating SMEs.
2020 and 2021 have been two extraordinary years because of the Covid 19 pandemic. The NBank EEN team spent seven months in 2020 and one month in 2021 working for the regional Covid 19 relief hotline. Therefore we helped our clients regarding the application of regional loan and funding programs and spent less time working on EIMC services.
Despite the pandemic, we were able to continue to offer EIMC services and carried out 7 services in 2020 and 16 services in 2021. The topics have evolved from crisis management to further digitalisation and networking (Industry 4.0) as well as product innovation. We have successfully conducted online audits, but continued to try to conduct at least the initial interview in person. The feedback talks and interim consultations have established themselves as an online standard.
There is a smooth and well-rehearsed signposting and cooperation between staff working on EIMC and / or COSME activities. Direct impact is documented in the Merlin system. The impacts are safeguarding or creation of jobs and working places, improvements of the innovation management structure and processes in the companies, helping to define and develop strategies in terms of digitalisation and business model innovation, covid-19 response strategies. During the audits or as a follow-up of the audits and EIMC services, we cooperated with regional stakeholders: regional public bodies, innovation managers of the chambers of trade and industry, the Innovationszentrum Niedersachsen ( with its networks and the federal initiative called Further impacts were the detection of new technologies and markets, integration of technology, marketing innovation.
The EIMC and KAM services are very value-added services of the EEN and an important stage within the client journey of an SME in Lower Saxony supported by the Enterprise Europe Network.
More than 80% of the audited companies were interested in additional services. These were offered by the members of the consortium either in the framework of activities and consulting services for the Enterprise Europe Network, or against the background of their respective host organizations and their inherent activities.
Quite a high number of EIMC cases led together with internationalisation services to ASOs. Further services provided were:
- Access to finance
- Identification of suitable national and/or international distributors
- Identification of partners for joint development activities
- Identification of regional/ national support programs and funding schemes
Voucher Innovationsaudit
Flyer Audit
New Coperation with WiGOs