Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INHALE (Investigation of Halide Free Ionic Liquids for the Electrodeposition of Zinc and Zinc Alloys)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-10-26 do 2022-10-25
This innovative low toxic environmentally responsible technology has been instrumental in expanding the realm of corrosion protection, and it has undergone a series of key developmental and testing phases.
The technology developed in this project has undergone rigorous testing and validation. Real-time parts were used in plating experiments conducted in a 5-liter plating line. The aim was to assess the plating performance of the novel halide-free non-aqueous plating electrolytes on industrially relevant test parts, specifically Norton panels. This testing included the deposition of zinc on mild steel and copper-based Norton panels under various conditions, such as temperature, plating times, and applied currents. The research not only confirmed the technology's preliminary techno economic viability but also provided valuable insights into the behavior of the plating bath and the coating process.
The setup and tests carried out in this study on halide free non-aqueous systems stand out unique and are pioneering, , marking a significant milestone in the development of corrosion-resistant coatings obtained via electroplating using low toxic halide free non-aqueous electrolytes. In the next phase of the project, further trials are planned on other industrial test parts like fasteners and brake calipers, demonstrating the versatility and applicability of the technology. These test parts will be plated with zinc and zinc-based alloys using the novel halide-free non-aqueous plating electrolytes, showcasing the environmentally friendly aspects of the technology.
The innovation activities in this project have encompassed the selection of halide-free ILs, organic solutions and DESs, the development of coatings employing these electrolytes, and the rigorous testing and validation of the technology on real industrial test parts. The results of this work hold great promise for advancing corrosion protection and opening up new avenues for the use of halide-free non-aqueous plating electrolytes in various applications, with plans to showcase these innovations at exhibitions in the near future.