Descripción del proyecto
Un nuevo panel de ducha que ahorra y recicla el agua
Pocas cosas contribuyen tanto al consumo de agua doméstico como la ducha, donde podemos gastar entre 30 y 80 litros de preciada agua. Como promedio, en los hogares europeos, las duchas emplean un tercio del consumo de agua y una cuarta parte de la calefacción. El proyecto SmartShower, financiado con fondos europeos, reducirá esta pérdida con un innovador panel de ducha que aportará ahorros significativos de agua (hasta el 90 %), energía (hasta el 80 %) y emisiones de CO2 (hasta el 80 %). Este panel de ducha consiste en una tapa de desagüe, con patente en tramitación, que puede instalarse como adaptación y un exclusivo sistema de circulación y filtrado autolimpiante que emplea componentes comunes: una solución con enormes ventajas ambientales y socioeconómicas.
Showering accounts for 36% of water and 25% of heating consumption in an average European household. In an average
8.5 minutes shower, nearly 80L of warm and relatively clean water goes down the drain wasting also 90% of the energy
used to heat the water. These figures, together with the worldwide water scarcity and energy consumption concerns created
a market, within the personal water usage segment, for showering solutions that optimise resource consumption while
improving the experience of a comfortable shower.
Flow Loop IVS aims to pursue this market opportunity by bringing to market its innovative shower panel (SmartShower)
allowing remarkable water (up to 90%), energy (up to 80%) and CO2 emissions (up to 80%) savings. SmartShower is based
on a patent pending drain cover allowing retrofit installation, a unique circulation and self-cleaning filter system using
standard “off-the-shelf” components, resulting in a solution with outstanding environmental and socio-economic benefits.
SmartShower presents remarkable economic advantages such as lower purchase (up to 50%), installation (70-95%) and
maintenance costs resulting in a reduced Total Cost of Ownership (up to 57% in a 5-year period) with a consequential lower
ROI (i.e. 3.7 years in comparison with 7.5-8.6 years) when compared to competing solutions).
SmartShower project is expected to significantly enhance Flow Loop's profitability, with expected revenue of €46M and
profits of €26M, 5 years after commercialization. Moreover, the successful achievement of SmartShower objectives is
expected to assist Europe in achieving ambitious objectives regarding water and energy savings in the household segment.
According to our Business Plan, 5 years after entering the market, SmartShower will enable an average annual saving of 3.8
billion litres of water, 105 million kWh of energy and 30 thousand tonnes in CO2 emissions.
Ámbito científico
Palabras clave
Convocatoria de propuestas
Consulte otros proyectos de esta convocatoriaConvocatoria de subcontratación
Régimen de financiación
SME-1 - SME instrument phase 1Coordinador
Organización definida por ella misma como pequeña y mediana empresa (pyme) en el momento de la firma del acuerdo de subvención.