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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

BIOSWITCH: Encouraging Brand Owners to Switch-to-Bio-Based in highly innovative ecosystems


Der Weg zu einer biobasierten Wirtschaft in Europa

Ein wesentlicher Schritt auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit ist, Europa zu einer führenden biobasierten Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft zu machen. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt BIOSWITCH zielt darauf ab, Marken dabei zu unterstützen, biobasierte Ansätze zu übernehmen. In diesem Sinne wird es ein Rahmenwerk aufbauen, das sie durch eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen und andere Kommunikationsmaßnahmen dazu ermutigt, diesbezüglich eine Führungsrolle zu übernehmen. Das Projekt wird außerdem das BIOSWITCH-Instrumentarium erschaffen, das Markeninhaberinnen und -inhabern beim Übergang zu biobasierten Ansätzen unterstützen soll. Zur Entwicklung dieses Instrumentariums werden vier markenorientierte Fallstudien zurate gezogen werden, die vier verschiedene biobasierte Übergangsstrategien beleuchten (für die Sektoren Chemie, Forstwirtschaft, Lebensmittel und Landwirtschaft). Letzten Endes werden die Markeninhaberinnen und -inhabern ihren Übergang selbst bewerten können.


BIOSWITCH main aim is to bring Europe to the forefront of the bio-based economy, encouraging and supporting brand owners to switching to bio-based approaches by following a holistic, systemic approach built on two pillars: (1) a framework where brand owners are placed as the centre of the public administration-bio-based industry-consumers triangle through a set of events and communication actions; and (2) the BIOSWITCH toolbox as the ultimate instrument that will assist them in the bio-based transition journey. Main novelty is a bio-based transition level self-assessment test to be done by brand owners so they can get access only to the tools that match their needs.

The framework will support the mapping and analysis exercise, where information about brand owners needs, motivations and incentives will be gathered. Perceived risks and mitigation actions will be identified and awareness and discussions with consumers will be fostered. Then, the BIOSWITCH toolbox will be developed and validated through four brand owner driven cases studies (NOPA Nordic, ALPRO, ZAFER and Grupo La Caña) that represent four different bio-based transition strategies from chemistry, forest, food and agro sectors and different levels of bio-based transition level. A replication plan development and toolbox roll-out will be conducted. Both regional and pan-European approaches will be considered all along the project.

Main impact to be achieved will be reaching brand owners that are not familiar with bio-based approaches (at least 81 clusters that are not BIC members), and increasing brand owners interest in bio-based strategies, as well as triggering their level of involvement and commitment to bioeconomy (it is foreseen that and at least 180 brand owners from partners networks can be reached). Bio-based product acceptance will be also increased as at least 550 attendees are expected in all project foreseen events.


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