CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Discovering genome-wide thiol-dependent metabolic regulation in photosynthesis with redox chemoproteomics


Die Dunkelheit verlassen: Stoffwechselströme bei phototrophen Eukaryonten verstehen

Die meisten von uns sind mit dem zirkadianen Rhythmus vertraut, der oszillatorischen körpereigenen Zeitgebung, die der 24-stündigen Erdrotation entspricht. Stoffwechselprozesse sind hierbei stark involviert, um die Energienutzung über den Licht-Dunkel-Zyklus zu optimieren. Licht-Dunkel-Übergänge sind gleichermaßen überaus wichtig für phototrophe Organismen, die ihre Energie aus dem Licht der Sonne durch Photosynthese erhalten. Licht-Dunkel-Übergänge rufen Veränderungen im Redoxzustand photosynthetischer Komponenten hervor, die Stoffwechselströme modulieren. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CHLARABIDOX untersucht an zwei phototrophen Arten (die Grünalge Chlamydomonas reinhardtii und die Pflanze Arabidopsis thaliana) die proteomweite Dynamik in Reaktion auf Licht. Eine hohe zeitliche Auflösung von lichtinduzierten redoxbezogenen Stoffwechselveränderungen könnte bei der Manipulation von Energieprozessen für die Biokraftstofferzeugung helfen und Modifikationen ans Licht bringen, die Pflanzen bei der Anpassung an den Klimawandel helfen.


Most organisms exhibit a diurnal metabolic cycle, especially phototrophs, whose metabolism is strictly dependent on light. Dark-light transitions are accompanied by dramatic changes in the redox state of photosynthetic components, which drives redox-based post-translational modification of protein cysteines, whose oxidation state can considerably impact protein activity, and thus regulate metabolism. Given the central role of redox metabolism in biology, the operation of thiol-disulphide based switches are well-appreciated as a metabolic acclimation strategy, and the study of cysteine modifications in proteomes is a major interest of contemporary biology. The objective of CHLARABIDOX is to go beyond inventories of redox modified proteins by monitoring the proteome-wide dynamics of disulphide-dithiol status in the context of a diurnal metabolic cycle in phototrophic eukaryotes, specifically, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the land plant Arabidopsis thaliana. An innovative chemoproteomic isoTOP-ABPP approach will be used in an experimental design with deep temporal resolution to capture a good fraction of the proteome with site specificity and quantitative information about reactivity. The discoveries will be made in the context of a body of literature on thioredoxin-dependent redox regulation of central carbon metabolism, which will serve as a priori validation. The outcome of the project is a proteome-wide view of the operation of regulatory redox sensors, anchored to accompanying rich datasets on physiology, metabolic potential, transcriptomics, proteomics and central metabolites, which would inform the operation of light-driven metabolic networks. Both systems are compatible with downstream modelling of diurnal metabolic fluxes and validation by reverse genetics approaches. A long term impact on strategies for manipulating metabolism for biofuels production, or manipulating photosynthesis for better acclimation to climate change is also envisioned.


€ 263 732,16
41004 Sevilla

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Sur Andalucía Sevilla
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 263 732,16

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