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Linking Energy Audit Policies to enhance and support SMEs towards energy efficiency

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - LEAP4SME (Linking Energy Audit Policies to enhance and support SMEs towards energy efficiency)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2022-03-01 do 2023-08-31

LEAP4SME is a H2020 funded project aiming to support Member States and their National Energy Agencies in improving energy audit and energy efficiency policies for Small-medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Energy efficiency actions identified through cost-effective audits lead to energy savings that have a positive economic impact on the SMEs and a series of indirect benefits such as reduction of waste generation, water consumption, GHG emissions and improvement of the working environment.
Notwithstanding lack of expertise, time and resources, together with a shortage of specific and tailor-made energy efficiency policies targeting SMEs, often prevent companies from carrying out proper energy audits and adopting energy conservation measures. In addition, where policies exist, there are difficulties in reaching SMEs due to their high heterogeneity both in size and sector, or there is a lack of awareness of the investment opportunities for the SMEs themselves.
In order to reach the project objectives, the most relevant activities carried out have been:
- Identify main barriers and trigger points for unlocking the potential of energy efficiency measures.
- Mobilise and inform private stakeholders of existing opportunities, facilitating discourse with policy makers.
- Research, analyse and involve stakeholders in the current debate on the new SME definition within Article 8 of the Energy Efficiency Directive.
- Propose solutions for policy makers for energy efficiency schemes with energy and non-energy benefits.
- Support National authorities with data-driven advice on the topic of energy efficiency in SMEs.
- Provide National policy implementers and policy makers with tailor-made policy recommendations.
The first activity of LEAP4SME has been mapping and understanding the state of art of the SME data availability in the nine Agencies' partner Countries. The associated deliverable provides an overview on the economic, structural and energy-related data on the SME situation in Europe with a focus on the targeted Member States. Within this task two novel methodologies for preliminary estimating the SME energy consumption at National level have been developed and applied.
In combination with the data mapping and assessment, an extensive collection and categorization of energy efficiency policies, programmes and projects addressing SMEs has been produced. The participant Agencies analysed also the most relevant barriers and enabling factors for an effective deployment of the SME energy audits market through the role of the energy service players.
The first findings were then integrated into a broader activity of literature research, direct interviews with Senior members of National Energy Agencies, surveys, data from Observatories and feedback from trainings. After the analysis of 173 programmes, policies and projects (Deliverable D2.2) 64 literature contributions on specific policies for Energy Efficiency in SMEs in 21 European and non-European countries have been deeply assessed (T4.2); 9 Contributions from senior members of each National Agency involved in the project have been included in the policy assessment activities, and more than 300 answers to the project surveys and data gathered from the partner Agencies have been elaborated.
Moreover, information, opinions and feedback have been gathered through the project observatory and training activities (T4.1 and WP5). The Consortium carried out a further in-depth analysis, at project partners’ Country level, on the possible integration of SMEs energy audit programmes with other EED’s articles and other relevant legislation, focusing on the innovative topic of energy vulnerability in SMEs (T4.3).
On the topic of non-energy benefits, a new set of KPIs was proposed, using data easily collectable during an audit procedure, or that is already systematized within the companies’ legal or voluntary requirements. Such KPIs intend to assist the quantification of NEBs resulting from energy audits, namely, to contribute to the comparison of resource consumption levels supported by specific data. Focusing on resource efficiency audits, it was studied that this type of audits can boost the implementation of energy efficiency measures, as well as decrease the use of energy, water, and materials, therefore increasing the companies’ competitiveness and reducing the uncertainties of externalities. Also, to monitor the suitable indicators to each company, different levels of KPIs’ evaluation were drafted and scenarios presented.
The results have been used in the project trainings and led to the preparation of tailor-made Policy Recommendations on energy audit and energy efficiency policies in SMEs
Based on the project main findings, the Consortium finalised five peer-reviewed papers, four posters, a guide for SMEs in six languages, several leaflets, press releases and newsletters in different languages.
The most relevant progresses reached are:
- the development of two methodologies to assess the SME sector energy consumption at National level;
- the categorisation and assessment of 173 programmes, projects and policies dealing with energy efficiency in SMEs in 9 European Countries;
- the detailed evaluation of programmes and policies dealing with energy audit in SMEs in 9 European Countries;
- the collection and analysis of more than 280 answers/interviews from Energy Agencies, Ministries, Business associations, ESCOs and SMEs (2/3 Organisations and 1/3 SMEs);
- the preparation of tailor-made Policy Recommendations on energy audit and energy efficiency policies in SMEs;
- the direct involvement of the EnR network and several external National Energy Agencies in the project activities;
- the uptake of the project results from the National Authorities of at least 10 Countries;
- more than 500 professionals trained in the period 2022-2023.