CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Militant Imaginaries, Colonial Memories: The Visual and Material Traces of Revolution and Return in Contemporary Portugal


Neue Theorien über Geschichte, Gedächtnis und visuelle Kultur

Lässt sich herausfinden wie in aktuellen Kontexten des politischen Wandels historisches Wissen erzeugt wird, indem man die Vergangenheit und ihre Vermittlung in der Gegenwart kulturell neu interpretiert? Das EU-finanzierte Projekt MIcoMe wird diese Frage beantworten. Es wird sich insbesondere damit befassen, wie im heutigen Portugal Wissen über die Vergangenheit produziert wird. Dazu werden individuelle und kollektive Verbindungen mit Materialien und visuellen Spuren zweier eng verknüpfter historischer Ereignisse analysiert: der Nelkenrevolution von 1974 und der Rückkehr der portugiesischen Kolonisatoren. Das Projekt will empirische Daten darüber sammeln, wie Film, Fotografie und Dokumente aus Institutions- und Familienarchiven wieder zum Leben erweckt werden, um daraus neue Narrative über die jüngste Vergangenheit aufzubauen. Dazu nutzt es Methoden der Beobachtung ethnografischer Teilnehmender, der Biografieforschung und der Oral History sowie der aktivierend-assoziativen Befragung mit Fotos oder Objekten.


This interdisciplinary project examines how knowledge about the past is produced in contemporary Portugal by analyzing individual and collective engagements with material and visual traces left by two entangled historical events: the 1974 Carnation Revolution and the return of Portuguese colonial settlers to the metropole. Both revolution and return were outcomes of the Portuguese Colonial War, known in the former colonies as the “Liberation Wars,” which resulted in the constitution of new African nations. Drawing on ethnographic participant observation, life history and oral history methods, and photo/object-elicitation strategies, this project gathers empirical data regarding how film, photography, and documents from institutional and family archives are animated in order to produce new narratives about the recent past. It thereby conceptualizes how knowledge about Portugal’s transition to democracy and, by extension, its relationship to the (de)colonial project is produced and mediated. In doing so, MICoMe puts forth novel theories regarding history and memory not separate entities, but rather co-constituting spheres of knowledge production and meaning making. As such, it develops innovative methodological approaches to understanding how contradictory and, at times, oppositional memories regarding the recent past are negotiated through public and private engagements with visual and material traces left by experiences with revolution and return. By juxtaposing colonial memories and militant imaginaries, this project posits that a cultural re-reading of the past and its mediations in the present can elucidate how historical knowledge is produced in in current contexts of political change while also unsettling closed narratives regarding empire, decolonization and political transition.


€ 159 815,04
1099 085 Lisboa

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Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 159 815,04