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Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - EHSTACK (Lightweight, Compact and Low-Cost Hydrogen Fuel Cell)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-12-01 do 2022-03-31

The Paris Agreement 2016 sent a very clear signal that mankind faces a global problem that requires a coordinated deployment of clean technology solutions. Energy system models suggest hydrogen and fuel cells will play an important role in climate change mitigation. However, one of the main challenges in realising hydrogen’s potential in decarbonising our energy system is how to deliver at scale a cheap, compact and lightweight energy generator with high efficiency and minimal emissions.
The customer pain points are both product-based and financial, namely that existing hydrogen fuel cell (FC) products are too complex and bulky, as well as too expensive.

The objectives of the project are to realise:
- An innovative FC technology, based on a wholly redesigned microstructure that delivers a power density of 1.5 times that of leading FC products ;
- A transformative assembly and production by process innovation which aims to radically reduce the price of FCs;
- FC stack technology that operates with a greatly simplified FC system and less parasitic loads (thereby cheaper and more efficient).

This FC technology will therefore directly address the challenge of current unsustainable or pollutive technologies that power our economy, but that are unfit for purpose in our times. Our technology produces zero CO2 if 'green' hydrogen is used, and reduces CO2 emissions by up to 40% if derived from fossil fuels. In addition, it produces virtually no other pollutants such as SO2 and NOX, only emitting water vapour. For example, commercial vehicles both on land and water and public transport that require extended use, range and/or heavy payloads are primed for disruptive decarbonization that cannot be met by batteries alone (trucks, buses, trains, construction equipment, ferries, etc.). These are just some of the markets that are poised to benefit from the widescale implementation of our innovative FC technology.
The proof of concept of the core technology has been achieved with very satisfactory results in the first half of 2018. By the end of 2019 we reached a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of 6 with several functional prototypes.

During the project which began in February 2020 we have been focused on developing a larger scale prototype of our FC technology and increasing its power density even further. Power density has increased to 8kW/l and 4kW/kg, both of which are significantly higher (1.5-2 times) than the most competitive FC stacks currently in the market. Its extremely low cell pitch of 0.74mm means that it is able to operate with minimal effects of gravity and in any orientation, hence well suited for mobile applications.

Testing and development has been undertaken in our labs as well as in external ones, with specialised facilities for extreme temperatures and vibration tests for example. The project has been also focused on the development of the fuel cell system. Our innovatively designed FC stack means that we are consequently able to eliminate and/or simplify some of the auxiliary components of a complete fuel cell system – e.g. downsize humidifier, replacement of compressor, etc. This leads to higher overall system efficiencies, simplified system architecture with fewer overall components and lower costs.

The project has been aimed at deploying our FCs in various actual testing environments with the assistance of industrial partners to reach TRL7-8. The objective has been to demonstrate the fuel cell stack and system across mobile and stationary applications - as range extenders on electric vehicles, or as part of micro-grid solutions.

This is in conjunction with developing the innovative assembly technology. The majority of the engineering and design work has been completed and the build of several modules is underway. The whole machinery is due to be completed in mid 2021,with our goal being to achieve TRL 8+ in order to commercialise our product to scale and embark upon mass production by 2022.
The EHSTACK project is aiming to deliver a significantly more compact, lightweight and efficient stack, based on EH Group's breakthrough technology. In addition, a scalable fuel cell system, with a simplified architecture and optimised for our fuel cell stack will be ready for deployment. Finally, the first generation production assembly machinery will be built. This will enable the large scale production of FC stacks and drive down its costs to below 100EUR/kW at scale for more widespread deployment.

This is because one of the major historical and current challenges of commercialising FC technology has been cost. Nonetheless the market is growing exponentially despite the cost/kw at over 1,000 EUR, and highlights consumers’ willingness to pay in the face of increasingly stringent environmental regulations. In the face of fast-approaching decarbonisation targets, in many cases (such as heavy vehicles) there is no practical alternative technological solution. We believe we can significantly influence the market by achieving significant cost reductions and hence more rapid industrialisation of the technology. Our product offering can be used in stationary applications such as commercial and residential buildings, data centres, telecom towers, hospitals, etc. Furthermore, due to its compactness, our technology will be a front-running candidate for mobile/automotive applications (buses, trucks, vans, forklifts, trains, ferries, etc.) where weight and volume reduction are two key criteria.

For example, the transport sector accounts for 25% of total global CO2 emissions at 8.05Gt in 2016(Source IEA). Medium/heavy vehicles account for 26% of vehicle emissions, 98% of which run on diesel, producing around 2.5 [kg] of CO2 per litre. Studies by the Union of Concerned Scientists show that a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle reduces emissions by 34-60% depending on the sources of hydrogen ( Our innovative fuel cell stack system, if deployed in an 18 ton truck would lower CO2 emissions by 34-45% using 'brown' hydrogen (i.e. produced from fossil fuels – steam methane reforming) and by nearly 100% using 'green' hydrogen (produced from renewables). (Source E4Tech Fuel Cell Industry Review)

Total CO2 emissions in the EU in 2016 was 4,293 mio tones (European Commission) of which transport accounted for 21%, hence 931 mio tonnes. Medium and heavy vehicles account for about a quarter of those, hence approximately 230mio tonnes of CO2. In the case where renewables are utilised to create hydrogen via electrolysis, the CO2 output is brought to virtually nil. Even in a scenario where we manage to capture 5-10% of the medium and heavy vehicle market, and the market were reliant on 'brown' hydrogen, some 4 – 9 million tons of CO2 could be avoided annually. In addition air pollution in the form of particulate matter is also reduced by the adoption rate of our FC product.

Beyond climate change mitigation, there are further societal benefits for the EU, such as having the opportunity to take the global lead in a new high-tech manufacturing sector. In addition, it provides the scope for further energy independence by leveraging off the EU’s early commitment to renewable deployment over the past two decades, and renewed impetus of the Green Deal.
EH-31 stack testing
EH-31 and EH-81 Fuel Cell stacks