CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Selection and Regulation of Compartments by Fuel-driven Phase Separation


Studie liefert neue Erkenntnisse über Phasentrennung

Lebende Zellen sind auf die Kompartimentierung tausender verschiedener Moleküle und ihre chemischen Reaktionen angewiesen. Viele zelluläre Kompartimente bilden sich durch Phasentrennung von Heteropolymeren, die durch sequenzspezifische Wechselwirkungen und Kräfte gesteuert werden, welche aus dem Gleichgewicht strebende Reaktionen antreiben. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FuelledLife wird eine Theorie entwickeln, die erklärt, wie Phasentrennungen in lebenden Zellen unterschiedliche Kompartimente erzeugen, in denen evolutionäre Prozesse wie die Auswahl und Replikation von Biomolekülen stattfinden können. Eine solche Theorie würde unser Wissen darüber vertiefen, auf welche Weise die Phasentrennung von Proteinkondensaten biochemische Prozesse in mehrzelligen Organismen regulieren kann. Zudem könnte sie die Rolle der Phasentrennung im Zusammenhang mit dem Ursprung des Lebens und insbesondere die Frage klären, warum moderne Organismen nur eine begrenzte Anzahl intrazellulärer Kompartimente nutzen.


Living cells rely on the compartmentalisation of thousands of different molecules and their chemical reactions. Remarkably, many of such compartments form by phase separation of heteropolymers controlled by sequence-specific interactions and fuel that drives reactions away from equilibrium. If we knew how such polymers with sequence-specific interactions evolve and compartmentalise in fuel-driven multi-component mixtures, we would better understand the role of phase separation in living cells and how synthetic or prebiotic cells emerge.

I aim to study how fuel-driven phase separation can drive the selection and replication of hetero-polymers with sequence-specific interactions, the control of their chemical reactions and the emergence and selection of different compartments. My team and I will develop a theory for phase separation and chemical reactions in multi-component mixtures driven away from equilibrium by irreversible, fuel-driven reactions. This theory will provide a link between phenomena on the compartment scale and coarse-grained properties of sequences. First, we will use this theory to study how compartments control biochemical reactions, and how this control is determined by sequence. Second, we will investigate how sequences are selected, replicated and evolve under cyclic, non-equilibrium conditions. Third, we will use our theory to unravel how fuel-driven chemical reactions regulate formation and division of compartments, and affect selection of different compartments within a population. Our theoretical studies will elucidate the physical mechanisms and conditions which will be experimentally scrutinised by our collaborators.

Our results will let us understand how living cells regulate phase separation, like the formation of stress granules by selecting RNA. Moreover, our results will elucidate the role of phase separation for the emergence of life by determining the prerequisites of a protocell to divide, replicate and undergo selection.


ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 1 498 852,00
86159 Augsburg

Auf der Karte ansehen

Bayern Schwaben Augsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 1 498 852,00

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