Das Prinzip des Genom-Umbaus bei Neuroblastomen unter der Lupe
Jüngsten Studien zufolge besitzen Krebszellen die intrinsische Fähigkeit, extrachromosomale zirkuläre DNA zu erzeugen und wieder einzubauen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass diese Genomereignisse beim primären menschlichen Neuroblastom, einer Krebserkrankung im Kindesalter, häufiger auftreten. Daraus lässt sich schließen, dass die DNA-Zirkulation einer der Hauptimpulsgeber des Genom-Umbaus bei Neuroblastomen ist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt CancerCirculome möchte durch die Untersuchung der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen und funktionellen Konsequenzen der extrachromosomalen DNA-Zirkulation und Reintegration von Chromosomen neue Prinzipien für den Genom-Umbau bei Neuroblastomen finden. Diese werden anschließend genutzt, um neue Diagnose- und prädiktive Marker für die Bewertung des klinischen Risikos und die Neuroblastom-Therapie zu bestimmen.
Recent reports describe the highly unexpected observation that cancer cells have the intrinsic ability to create and chromosomally re-incorporate extrachromosomal circular DNAs. We could show that these genomic phenomena are more frequent than expected in primary human neuroblastomas, a common childhood tumor, suggesting that DNA circularization represents a major driver of neuroblastoma genome remodeling. We aim with CancerCirculome to uncover new principles of pediatric cancer genome remodeling through an intensified study of the underlying mechanisms and functional consequences of extrachromosomal DNA circularization and chromosomal re-integration. Our long-term goal is to exploit these cancer cell-specific traits to improve cancer therapy, diagnosis and/or clinical risk stratification. Our work program will develop and establish new single-cell CRISPR-based methodologies with the aim to reveal molecular factors contributing to circular DNA generation. Furthermore, we will genetically engineer circular DNAs in human cells, assess their functional impact on cancer cell fitness and track their presence and chromosomal integration during therapy on a single-cell level. This aims to uncover the oncogenic functions of circular DNA and reveal the determinants of their chromosomal re-integration. The principles uncovered in CancerCirculome will be dissected to identify novel diagnostic and predictive markers for clinical application to improve personalized diagnosis, risk assessment and treatment of neuroblastoma, as our test case pediatric tumor. The work outlined in CancerCirculome promises to provide key insights into a fundamental biological and clinical problem and stongly impact the understanding of childhood solid tumors. CancerCirculome addresses fundamental questions about how cancer cells could arise and evolve at the roots of clonal evolution in tumors and at the mechanistic level of cellular genetics.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
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ERC-STG - Starting GrantGastgebende Einrichtung
10117 Berlin