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5th Generation connected and automated mobility cross-border EU trials

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - 5G-ROUTES (5th Generation connected and automated mobility cross-border EU trials)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2020-09-01 do 2022-02-28

5G-ROUTES is a 5G-PPP Phase 3 project whose aim is to conduct advanced field trials of innovative CAM applications seamlessly functioning across ‘Via Baltica-North’ 5G cross-border corridor spanning across Latvia-Estonia-Finland in order to validate the latest 5G features and 3GPP specifications under realistic conditions, to accelerate the widespread deployment of 5G E2E interoperable CAM ecosystems and services in digitised shipways, railways and motorways throughout Europe.
5G-ROUTES objectives:
• develop innovative and commercially exploitable CAM use cases for automotive, railway and maritime sectors within the cross-border context;
• analyse the technical and business requirements for the use cases to enable extensive large-scale CAM field trials in the ‘Via Baltica-North’ 5G corridor;
• advance and optimise the enabling technologies using AI for the reliable, seamless and uninterrupted delivery of interoperable CAM services across borders;
• leverage and upgrade key assets from previous results and commercial products; integrate the technological enablers in an end-to end CAM ecosystem, setup the 5G corridor and facilitate lab and large-scale field trial validation;
• demonstrate the potential and the user value in CAM deployments at cross-border areas, by characterising and optimising 5G technologies at lab tests and large-scale trials, to validate applicable standards and target KPIs;
• develop and validate the business models of advanced CAM use cases that can be offered on top of existing services in a multi cross-border 5G operator environment, demonstrating benefits from potential operational cost reductions and new revenue generation streams;
• identify and validate applicable standards as well as provide rationalised contribution to key standardisation bodies to sustain standardisation within the CAM context and;
• ensure long-term success through wide dissemination of the project’s results; to exploit synergies with other 5G-PPP projects and 5G CAM initiatives; to contribute to the 5G Action Plan initiative; the university education and training of young and other professionals;
The project has successfully been running for 18 months. During this period, 5G-ROUTES has been focused on preparing the use-cases, architecture, enablers and technical setup, in order to perform the cross-border trials. Hindering obstacles have been the impacts of COVID-19, which prevented organizing physical workshops with internal and external stakeholders, as well as an unforeseen regulatory issues with the 5G SA core networks deployment which is essential for implementation of the trials - thus slowing down the progress of all Work Packages. The impact of these obstacles has resulted on corrective actions on use cases, architecture, and extension of the project by 12 months.
From a technological perspective, the developments of key enablers is ongoing and the integration effort has started. The enablers build upon the requirements of 13 use cases encompassing sectors such as beyond C-ITS, automotive, infotainment and transport & logistics. So far, these developments have led to the identification of a number of project innovations. Series of workshops have taken place to develop and validate business models of advanced CAM use cases to expand existing services in cross-border 5G setups.
The following results have been achieved:
• Requirements analysis and definition of the use cases linked to project performance measurement framework has been completed
• The detailed vesion of the 5G-ROUTES CAM deployment plan has been defined
• 5G network validation and readiness report for cross-border use-cases and testing framework has been delivered
• Design of the AI-based technological enablers (cross-domain MEC, integration fabric, E2E slicing optimization and spectrum usage) has been carried out, development has started.
• Tenant Web Portal first prototype version has been delivered, work continues with the intermediate version.
• 5G NSA network deployment is in progress. LMT and Telia has already deployed 5G NSA test sites in Bikernieki and in Valga/Valka. 5G SA solution architecture finalization is ongoing in parallel.
• Custom software for use-cases is in development and testing is being done currently in simulated environments.
• The work with large-scale cross-border field trials has started.
• Customer validation, solution and partner alignment steps of the commercialization methodology has been completed.
• Virtual multilevel management structures were established (COVID-19 restrictions did not allow face-toface meetings) ensuring timely submission of all M1-M18 deliverables.
• Unanimous approval of the 12 months project extention, mitigating regulatory environment issues and COVID-19 disruption obstacles.
• Innovation and IP management, data management and standardization activities have been planned and the work is ongoing.
• The dissemination and communication plan at a partner level, the project goals and desired results and achievements have been defined. Website and social media channels established, dissemination materials are available for event attendance. 5G-ROUTES has been participating on different events, internatonal conferences and special sessions. First scientific papers have been published. Two technical workshops and a summer school together with 5G-CROCO is being prepared.
Ongoing and upcoming lab trials, as well as subsequent three rounds of field trials at strategic locations on roads, railway tracks, and ship lines along the Via Baltica-North 5G corridor will demonstrate the value and benefits brought about by 5G-ROUTES, i.e. boosting the adoption of innovative CAM applications with seamless cross-border operations and stimulating the deployment of 5G E2E interoperable CAM ecosystems and services, improving the efficiency/reducing operating costs of existing business and creating new business opportunities/revenue generation streams. 5G-ROUTES provide cloud-native stand-alone core and deploy integrated 5G-ROUTES platform. A number of technical enablers are under development related to CAM services e.g. integration fabric, advances 5G-integrated positioning, predictive resource allocation network slicing, CAM repository etc.
Maritime connectivity solutions are crucial to ensuring a broadening 5G connection coverage at sea between vessels that may be used in parallel with satellite connections in areas with sufficient maritime intensity. The project involves technology and legislative research to identify the potential for 5G networking at the sea transport corridors and trials for selected use-cases, extending it far beyond a single country border to international waters as well.
Based on CEF2 study "5G Northern Europe Transport Corridors" for 5G deployment, estimated that most of the TEN-T road and rail corridors in Baltic states may be linked within 5km connectivity coverage. It enhances synergy by providing opportunity to jointly develop 5G network coverage for multimodal transport means. Based on 5G-ROUTES findings it will be included in both LMT and Telia 5G network rollout plan applied for CEF2 funding. Within this rollout it will result in seamless 5G availability on main transport paths: from Tallinn to Riga via Tartu through Via-Baltica North (425km) and from Tallinn to Grenctale through Via Baltica (394km). Achieved analysis and lessons learned could be used as an input for other 5G rollouts across Europe.