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Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-01-01 do 2022-03-31

HES-GEO project aims to enhance existing research capacity and stimulate scientific excellence in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Management (IGSM), Jagiellonian University (UJ), in studying Human-Environmental Systems of the Anthropocene at various spatial and temporal scales and using tools and data available through Earth observation and GEOspatial technologies. We have designed HES-GEO building on strengths of the beneficiary combining them with a vast expertise of three excellent partner institutions: Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. In addition, four eminent experts from Germany, the Netherlands, UK and Bulgaria have been invited to the Advisory Board to advise the consortium during the project lifetime.
The research field of the project is highly interdisciplinary, linking social sciences with Earth- and environmental sciences. The activities of the project focus on early career scientists, including both early stage researchers (doctoral students) and young post-doctoral researchers.
We intend to reach the main goal of the project through achieving its three overall objectives that in the project lifetime are detailed into specific and concrete tasks:
[1] increasing participation of IGSM in future international research programmes (in particular, Horizon Europe)
• training of early career scientists of the IGSM in project writing / project development and in leadership skills
• training of administrative staff of the beneficiary in knowledge / project management and outreach
• establishing research teams composed of young early career scientists of the beneficiary with supervisors and mentors from the partner institutions
• preparing research proposals to be submitted by research teams to specific calls within European research programmes
[2] improving relevant scientific and academic skills and knowledge of the staff of the beneficiary, with focus on early career scientists
• training of early career scientists in geospatial and Earth observation technologies, including advanced data analytics techniques
• training of doctoral students in scientific writing
[3] creating a centre of excellence of international importance in advanced human-environmental studies
• establishing a formal framework of the planned centre of excellence in the IGSM
• establishing a project / knowledge management and outreach unit at the beneficiary
• building and expanding research- and stakeholder-oriented networks of the future centre of excellence
• integrating centre of excellence with doctoral programmes run at the IGSM, and preparing a long-term framework for joint PhD programmes within, and beyond the consortium
• preparing a framework for research-oriented MSc programme in English language, attracting ambitious international students and increasing involvement of students in research projects.
Since the project official launch on January 1st, 2021, three groups of activities have been carried out:
Early career researchers have been trained in academic soft skills (project writing, leadership, scientific writing), and in geospatial and Earth observation technologies. Detailed syllabi of training events were prepared by experts from partner institutions, taking into account the experience and needs of researchers from UJ.
During the first period of project implementation a group of 26 young scientists took part in project development and leadership training (7-11.02.2022). Three other workshops: scientific writing (in Leuven, Belgium) and geospatial methods including advanced data analytics techniques (in Salzburg, Austria and in Berlin, Germany) have been scheduled until the end of June 2022 (6-7.06 20-22.04 and 22-24.06).
Early stage researchers and post-doctoral researchers participating in the project have built research teams in the IGSM, working jointly with the partners on improving their scientific excellence and on preparing competitive research proposals to be submitted to European or other international funding programmes.
The main role in building the research teams have six post-doctoral scientists of the beneficiary, who were engaged already in the phase of project preparation phase. With the project launch they started to build their teams, looking for most active and talented PhD students, PhD candidates and master students (30 people altogether). Two brainstorming events organized for during the project allowed to defining for each research team broad research topics and to assign supervisors from partner institutions.
The primary goal of the centre of excellence will be to develop high-quality, innovative human-environmental systems research, thus preserving the most important project achievements and sustaining its activities beyond the project duration. Centre of excellence will be a new formal unit in the IGSM, composed of the research teams and supported by Project Management and Outreach Unit, established during the project.
During the first period of project implementation just initial activities have been undertaken to reach the goal. Formal and legal requirements to set up the centre at UJ have been recognized. The most intensive work on turning the initial ideas into life will be carried out in the next project period.
Dissemination activities form an important part of the project since its very beginning. They ensure project visibility and recognition in the scientific community, the general public and various target groups. A few HES-GEO dissemination channels have been already activated:
- the general project idea and its progress
Newsletter: available from the website or individually
- the life of the project
Research blog:
HES-GEO very clearly addresses the goals to increase the scientific excellence and international visibility of researchers of the main beneficiary of the project. It is very closely linked to several university-level programmes related to strengthen international partnerships or long-term partnerships developed so far. The project allows also to create synergies with existing or expected funding for scientific excellence and increases chances of researchers to successfully apply for funds, and actively participate in the European research programmes.
Through its focus on human-environmental systems, the project provides answers to various questions related to the sustainable management of the environment, at various spatial scales. These questions are important for a range of stakeholders, including local and regional authorities, nature conservation institutions, governmental institutions responsible for water, soil and biodiversity management, spatial planning sector, tourism and cultural organisations, industry partners, NGOs. The centre of excellence in the IGSM will further contribute to various benefits for stakeholders and society, providing knowledge necessary to tackle various societal and environmental problems.
Trainings in HES-GEO
Research Teams in HES-GEO
Research Teams in HES-GEO - Brainstorming Event(s)