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Second funding line in Work Programme 2018-2020 for the further development of a European SST Service provision function

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - 2-3SST2018-20 (Second funding line in Work Programme 2018-2020 for the further development of a European SST Service provision function)

Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-07-01 do 2022-05-31

The 2-3SST2018-20 project is implemented in the form of a Specific Grant Agreement (SGA) addressing the objectives identified in the SST Support Framework and the H2020 Work Programme 2018-2020, under the EUSST Framework Partnership Agreement (EUSSTFPA).

The 2-3SST2018-20 project builds upon the results obtained in the previous 1SST, 2SST and 3SST grants in 2015 and 2016-17. In this context, the specific objectives are as follows:
1. Foster European cooperation on the SST domain.
2. Improve the EUSST performance towards larger autonomy.
3. Pave the way for the evolution of the European SST architecture in order to be able to respond to new challenges on space.

They constitute a set of clear, measurable, realistic and achievable objectives within the duration of the project that contribute to the global objective as declared in the “Decision of the European Parliament and the Council Establishing a Space Surveillance and Tracking Support Framework” n°541/2014/EU (“SST Decision” hereinafter) [AD-1], adopted on April 16th 2014:
“to contribute to ensuring the long-term availability of European and national space infrastructure, facilities and services which are essential for the safety and security of the economies, societies and citizens in Europe”, providing support to the “actions aimed to establish a SST capability at European level and with an appropriate level of European autonomy”.

The specific objectives of the SST Support Framework are:
a) Assessing and reducing the risks to in-orbit operations of European spacecraft from collisions, thus enabling spacecraft operators to plan and carry out mitigation measures more efficiently; Reducing the risks relating to the launch of European spacecraft;
b) Surveying uncontrolled re-entries of spacecraft or space debris into the Earth's atmosphere and providing more accurate and efficient early warning with the aim of reducing the potential risks to the safety of Union citizens and mitigating potential damage to terrestrial infrastructure;
c) Seeking to prevent the proliferation of space debris.
At the end of the reporting period, a large number of deliverables have been prepared and submitted. These deliverables contain most of the technical details of the work and results achieved within the work packages of the project.

During the first 18 months of the project, several important improvements have been resulted frome the implementation of the 2-3SST18-20 actions.

The lessons learnt from previous projects are being implemented and the progress achieved by the Consortium working as a team is evident in the:
• Further deepening in the activities development.
• Improvement of the quality of the deliverables.

The late signature of the grant has negatively impacted the initiation of some activities (i.e.subcontracts) although some of the delays are being recovered.

The progress report corresponding to this Intermediate Review provides further details about the activities carried out during this reporting period time.

At the end of the second 11-month reporting period the work has continued as show 39 deliverables submitted in the period(9 of them new versions of previous ones) . The most remarkable results tangilbe obtained are:
• integration of new sensors to the network according to a structured procedure
• assessment of the precursor orbit catalogue performance
• evalution of EUSST services in close relation with users
• studies on new elements
• development of a coordinated planner (COPLA) tool prototype
• upgrades in the sensor network
• increase the impact of the activities through an structured dissemination plan

Addtionally some remarkable progress has been also made in managerial aspects:
• Approval and application of Quality Assurance Plan
• Change of duration of WP2-WP7 to ensure the continuity of activities related with the support of service provision
• Special analysis of risks related to some sensor upgrades.
The main ambition of the 2-3SST2018-20 is to progress in the increase of the level of autonomy of the EUSST system, both in terms of coverage and quality of the data, in order to provide high added value services to the users.

In order to achieve this, on top of the tasks and activities devoted to the enhancement of the current system (WP4, WP5, WP6 and WP8) to ensure the service provision is in line with the state of the art, WP7 will pave the way for the future of the EUSST system in response to the evolution of the environment, both from the technological perspective (evolution of the orbital environment, novel detection techniques, ground-breaking data processing capabilities, new users’ needs…) and from the political factors (new actors and stakeholders, evolution of the space regulation…). The innovation will be sought in all the elements composing the EUSST system, from the sensors to the data processing and the evolution to new services, with a constant look to best value for money.

The 2-3SST2018-20 is expected to contribute to the enhancement of the operations and the services provided in the 1SST, and hence to improve the safety of European and national infrastructures, facilities and services, essential for the safety and security of the economies, societies and citizens in Europe. This will be achieved by:
- Pooling of national assets that fulfil the requirements identified in the architecture trade-off studies to increase the autonomy in terms of orbital coverage and number of catalogued objects.
- Exploring the optimum use of the available assets by developing a coordinated scheduler, ensuring that the contribution of the of the sensors to the catalogue and the services is maximised
- Evolving the services and the Front Desk in a way that the products generated and its delivery to the users meet to the best extent the user needs considering the available resources.
It is also expected to contribute to the long-term availability of the European and national infrastructure, by means of upgrading existing assets and exploring new techniques and technologies to ensure an evolution of the system and the services in line with the future needs, both from users perspective, as well as from the point of view of the space environment and political decisions (e.g. space regulation).

In short, the impact of the project will be:
• a better service provision to the users by pooling and upgrading relevant national assets contributing to the EUSST, based on duly justified added value analysis;
• an increase presence and relevant of the Europe and its industry in the SST domain by means of subcontracts and close collaboration with industrial third parties;
• a better positioning for the long-term sustainability and safety of the European and national space infrastructures by means of activities exploring breaking-through techniques and technologies.
CA service
Cover of EU SST
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FG service
Map of EU SST sensors
EU SST background