Descrizione del progetto
L’apprendimento automatico sostiene la radiodiagnostica
In Europa, il numero di radiografie eseguite è in aumento: nel 2018, nel caso delle radiografie muscolo-scheletriche, si sono superati i 140 milioni. Al tempo stesso, un gruppo ristretto di radiologi deve occuparsi del flusso di lavoro crescente. Di conseguenza, i referti medici non possono essere pronti in tempo utile e il trattamento del paziente viene ritardato. Servono quindi nuove soluzioni per sostenere la radiodiagnostica. Il progetto AutoRay, finanziato dall’UE, si propone di introdurre sul mercato medico la soluzione di Radiobotics (RDB): uno strumento software convalidato e completo basato sull’apprendimento automatico, che analizza in modo automatico le radiografie del sistema muscolo-scheletrico. Il nuovo software aiuterà i radiologi a fornire analisi rapide e accurate, e inoltre, ottimizzerà il flusso di lavoro negli ospedali, diminuendo i costi e migliorando la qualità dei servizi.
Routine radiology services are facing a huge problem on having efficient workflows to deliver X-ray analysis and diagnosis
shortly after image acquisition – with patients waiting days or weeks for the results. The volume of X-rays scans is quickly
growing year after year –more than 140 million X-rays analysis of the musculoskeletal (MSK) system were performed in
2018 in Europe alone. The current number of radiologists is insufficient to efficiently analyse and deliver the medical report
shortly, causing unnecessary stress for patients and potential delay in the treatment. Thus, there is an urgent need for
solutions optimizing the workflow on routine radiology services.
Radiobotics (RDB) has developed a comprehensive machine learning-based software tool that automatically analyses X-rays
of the MSK system and generates the respective medical report. The algorithms used have been trained with data
screened and validated by our clinical partners, in order to mimic expert accuracy and a state-of-the-art performance. RDB
automatic software will greatly benefit: 1) radiologists/physicians (end-users) by lowering the time required to analyse
images and generate diagnostic reports; 2) hospitals (customers) by optimizing the services workflow, saving costs and
offering higher quality services; and 3) patients by having access to a faster and accurate diagnosis and consequently early
AutoRay project will enable RDB to mature its product to a market-ready software suite addressing multiple conditions in multiple anatomical regions while ensuring a seamless integration in IT systems. In addition, it will provide a stage to a large-scale demonstration of its performance in clinical practice. Upon completion, RDB will open up for a very large business opportunity, providing a perspective for RDB to become a lead player in the medical imaging arena.
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SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Coordinatore
1263 Copenhagen
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