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the Retrofitting Market Activation Platform based on the generation of standard modules for energy efficiency and clean energy solutions


Contribution to common H2020 Activities and other EU events

This deliverable reports the contribution to common dissemination activities to increase synergies between, and the visibility of H2020 supported actions. re-MODULEES contributes, upon invitation by the EASME, to common information (like reporting on impact indicators) and dissemination activities to increase synergies between, and the visibility of H2020 and European Commission supported actions.

Report on 3 Re-MODULEES Exploitation Workshops

Final report on the Re-MODULEES 3 Exploitation Workshops in M12, M24, M36

Training and Capacity Building
Final report and executive summary of total project results

All public results will be edited, published and spread as downloadable files, also published in the re-MODULEES website. An executive summary will be made, edited and published as a downloadable brochure.

Marketing strategy and material for the Pilot Markets

Report on marketing strategy and material for the Pilot Markets

LABs Road Shows awareness raising events report
re-MODULEES EU retrofit markets map

re-MODULEES EU retrofit markets map including the drafting of an opportunity matrix, in which TT/SS/AA features and added values mapped in Task 2.3 will be cross-checked and matched with clustered markets characters and needs,

re-MODULEES user-centred value propositions, final report

Final report on re-MODULEES user-centred value propositions

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Bulgaria

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Bulgaria, first internal update M18, deliverable M42

Final report of the LABs Road Shows facilitated by the Renovation Hub

This deliverable is a short report on the activities for the the LABs Road Shows facilitated by the Renovation Hubs, organized in task 6.5

Re-MODULEES Business models and Exploitation strategy

Report describing Re-MODULEES Business models and Exploitation strategy on pilot and general level.

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Spain

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Spain, first internal update M18, deliverable M42

re-MODULEES user-centred value propositions, interim report

Interim report on re-MODULEES user-centred value propositions

re-MODULEES local customer journeys and success stories library

re-MODULEES local customer journeys and success stories library including a full reporting on the use of ethnographic approaches, including for instance focus groups or interviews, qualitative in-depth findings, supplemented by quantitative studies (surveys) in the local pilot markets, providing a wider picture about situation in different countries and cases.

re-MODULEES user-centred value propositions, first report

First report on reMODULEES usercentred value propositions M12 with annual updates M24 M36

The re-MODULEES administration & implementation guidelines

The re-MODULEES administration & implementation guidelines to support the administration and implementation for other countries/regions/markets to implement their own data

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Slovenia

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Slovenia, first internal update M18, deliverable M42

Re-MODULEES Lean Model Canvas

Document decribing and reporting on the Re-MODULEES Lean Model Canvas

Standard Action Plan (SAP) for Pilot Market Activation

Deliverable D412 is a concise report that provides a shared methodological framework for the pilot market activation with special reference to the objectives of Task 42 The deliverable describes the contents of a Standard Action Plan SAP which is conceived as a roadmap where all the project activities contributing or relevant to market activation at pilot level are mapped and organized so as to make the synergies among pilots more explicit The SAP is not intended as a rigid framework but as a general coordination tool which each pilot leader will be enabled to adopt customize and specialize into a Local Deployment Plan LDP such LDP will constitute the operational plan for the implementation of the SAP at local level allowing to take into consideration the local conditions and peculiarities of each pilot market the background of experiences and approaches collected by partners as well as the specific expectations and goals which they intend to pursue through the pilot activities Finally the deliverable will provide the opportunity to define and clarify the key terms and concepts of WP4 ie reLAB reHUB Local Support Network and National Support Network and their reciprocal links

The re-MODULEES user's guide

The re-MODULEES user’s guide as a a guide for other countries/regions/markets to implement their own data

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Netherlands

Pilot Market Activation Reports, Netherlands, first internal update M18, deliverable M42

Re-MODULEES Exploitation strategy after the project duration

This deliverable is a b brief note on the Re-MODULEES Exploitation strategy after the project duration

Re-MODULEES policy recommendations for decision makers

This deliverable is a note on the further Re-MODULEES policy recommendations for decision makers in deep renovation.

Clustering Activities of the LABs and transmission with the EU Renovation Hub report
The re-MODULEES platform analysis

The re-MODULEES platform analysis including a number of relevant reference building typologies, matched to other relevant data, abacus and libraries that could be capitalized from other existing sources (Task 2.1), and synthesizing the general purpose knowledge base developed there into a defined, clear and integrated framework for fostering the market exploitation of TT/SS/AA scouted, across EU retrofit markets, in order to characterise buildings and markets and establish an initial diagnose on top of which integrate other services.

Pilot Market Activation Reports, France

Pilot Market Activation Reports, France, first internal update M18, deliverable M42

re-MODULEES Renovation Tools and Solutions sourcing scenario

re-MODULEES Renovation Tools and Solutions sourcing scenario including the reporting on an analyses of a large set of projects and best practices at EU, national and regional levels in order to individuate innovative and unexploited available TT/SS/AA for deep renovations, able to overcome the state-of-the-art of local renovation markets as described in the local market profiles.

The re-MODULEES platform architecture

The re-MODULEES platform architecture including a three layers architecture design with a Data layer, a Services layer, and a Client layer,

The re-MODULEES platform

The framework of the re-MODULEES platform is decribed and vizualized in Annex 3 of Part B. The due date is M36 but the testings will be done in M18 and M24 already (but not reported as a deliverable)

Project communication material

Project communication material including project flyer, poster and roll-up (M6), professional social networks accounts (M4), digital gateways posts (M3 onwards), news alerts (M6 onwards) and promotional video (M14) – SYM

Project identity and main templates

Project identity and visualization pack and main templates

re-MODULEES Standard Modular Architecture

re-MODULEES Standard Modular Architecture which will be as a reference process model for all EU retrofit markets; this will be done by analysing all the retrofit process structures surveyed in Task 2.1 with reference to local markets, synthesizing an overall, modular and comprehensive process structure, to be used across all EU retrofit markets.


Facing the Constraints to the Deep Energy Renovation Process of Residential Built Stock in European Markets

Autorzy: Lassandro, P.; Devitofrancesco, A.; Bellazzi, A.; Cascardi, A.; De Aloysio, G.; Laghi, L.; Malvezzi, R.
Opublikowane w: Sustainability, Numer 16, 294, 2024, ISSN 2071-1050
Wydawca: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/su16010294

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