CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Reducing Inequalities in Vaccine uptake in the European Region - Engaging Underserved communities


Forschung zur Verbesserung der Durchimpfungsrate

Impfungen sind die effektivste Strategie, um Kinder vor vermeidbaren Krankheiten zu schützen, und die Weltgesundheitsorganisation zählt niedrige Impfquoten zu den 10 größten Risiken für die globale Gesundheit. Bei bestimmten ethnischen, religiösen und kulturellen Minderheiten Europas ist die Durchimpfungsrate allerdings noch immer zu niedrig. Entsprechend wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt RIVER-EU Hürden im Gesundheitssystem identifizieren und auf deren Beseitigung hinarbeiten. Schwerpunkt sind Schutzimpfungen gegen MMR (Mumps, Masern, Röteln) und HPV (Humanes Papilloma-Virus) in ausgewählten unterversorgten Populationen (Migrantengruppen in Griechenland, türkische und marokkanische Frauen/Mädchen in den Niederlanden, die ukrainische Minderheit in Polen sowie Roma in der Slowakei). Zunächst soll das Projekt versorgungsbezogene Ursachen für die niedrige Durchimpfungsrate klären, um dann entsprechende Maßnahmen zu entwickeln.


Health system barriers in vaccine uptake disproportionately affect specific ethnic, religious or cultural minorities across Europe and are therefore a major contributor to low vaccine uptake in these groups. RIVER-EU aims to identify and remove these barriers, specifically focusing on MMR and HPV vaccination in selected underserved communities (migrant community in Greece, Turkish females and Moroccan females in the Netherlands, Ukrainian minority in Poland and Roma community in Slovakia). First, we will analyze health system barriers and enablers to the vaccination of these communities, and then tailor existing interventions or develop new ones, which will be implemented and evaluated. Research findings will be translated in evidence-based guidelines and an educational platform for health care professionals that can be used to address equitable access to vaccination across Europe. We will use the Participatory Action Research approach to involve the target groups and key stakeholders, and to foster collaboration and knowledge co-creation among all stakeholders in every phase of the project.
By building on existing research, findings and available information as well as on existing guidelines and recommendations, we will 1) increase understanding of the determinants of low vaccine uptake in specific contexts situated in the EU and/or Associated countries; 2) develop strategies to increase vaccination rates within these contexts; and 3) develop a series of recommendations that national and regional public health authorities could implement in order to increase vaccine coverage. Through the interdisciplinary approach and strong involvement of end-users and relevant stakeholders, we will maximize RIVER-EU’s impact by making sure the guidelines will be readily implementable, thus reducing health inequalities and improving access to vaccination services among underserved communities and increasing vaccine uptake and coverage in Europe.

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€ 729 062,50
9713 GZ Groningen

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Noord-Nederland Groningen Overig Groningen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 729 062,50

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