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CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE
Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-14



The Barcelona City Council strategy respect citizens & companies relation with the Administration has been oriented toward a full quality model. This model should envisage its continuous improvement, making citizens duties with the municipality easier and offering information, services and products to citizens & companies, which represent real added value to them. Special care has been taken on two aspects: - To establish attention channels, which should offer an agile access for the citizens & companies: OAC (personnel attention), PTAC (by phone), INTERNET, AUDIOTEX. - To direct the collection of information, services and products from a reagent offer (on client demand) to a proactive offer (It is the municipality who propose and offer information, services and products providing a high percentage of utility to different groups). After "city help desk" experience for more than 10 years, it was clear that this kind of full quality service was not possible to support economically, only from personnel or phone attention. Costs grew directly to the success. At this point the municipality needed to add new technologies to preserve or increase quality services, reducing costs. ICT services were the solution. The complexity of Spanish Administration (three levels: local, regional, national, even European level) and the size of the city of Barcelona (1 million and half and more than 4 million habitants in its metropolitan area), pointed to an inevitable convergence of procedures in different public administrations. SIPAC try to solve this need with an Internet service that reduces municipal help desk costs by 10, for the information and procedures available in SIPAC. The development and implementation of the strategy explained, resulted in system including 600 procedures (municipal, regional and national) with a double functionality: A- For external users: (citizens and companies) it's an Internet application, easy to use, 24 hours operating, with the following functionality's: a- For all procedures: - Description of the procedure. - When do you have to do that procedure? - Documentation needed - Where to do that procedure? - Who can present the documentation? b- For 47 municipal procedures: - To get official forms. c- For 22 municipal procedures: - To start the procedure directly through Internet. B- For officials, it's a component on the daily work that shares the same knowledge database, which they use in the BackOffice protocols to manage citizen or company procedures, increasing productivity and avoiding errors. This functionality is based in two tools: - Procedures database, that includes all the information needed. The information is structured to allow the access from Internet SIPAC system as well corporate internal processes (local network). - SIPAC application itself.
Description of results and services of Kotka Teledemocracy: - Telematic services promote local democracy in Kotka. - Touch screen techniques and application customised, easy access to networking. - Public access to all citizens and companies. - Feed back to the administration and politicians. - Infrastructure available by producer. - Tourism service infokiosk at Russian border station Vaalimaa. - Talking screen service for visually impaired people. Citizens have a channel to the local decision-makers and administration and they can give feedback (10-15 pcs per day). Talking screen converts text on the screen to speech, access to municipal agendas via Internet before decision-making, feedback to politicians. Visually impaired people are equal with other people. Future results and aims of Kotka Teledemocracy developments: - Possibility for all kinds of e-services (e-shopping and ID-card). - Feedback of citizens to political decision makers. - Enlargement of infokiosk network in the region of Kotka-Hamina. - Increasing of infokiosks to the area of Kotka Housing Fair 2002. The information strategy of the city of Kotka is to continue networking the whole city and to disseminate and promote local democracy on all levels. City is waiting feedback from citizens on the way to the Information Society. Kotka tries to enhance networking and use of telematic services by its infokiosks.
Objective of the "Culture Communication System (KKS)" is to support the users during the following activities: Managing information of cultural events, communicate information with other communities, publishing the information, planning cultural events, documentation of events. Users are employees of municipalities planning, organising and controlling cultural events in the local government. End users are all people interested in cultural events in a region. They can get all information about cultural events. Further end users may suggest new cultural events via Internet. The employees of municipalities decide then if the suggestion will be overtaken in the official cultural calendar of the municipality. Thirdly, the application enables people to reserve tickets for cultural events. At last, the systems used in each municipality have interfaces to each other via Internet. One municipality is able to send structured information about an event to another local government. This can manage all events of a whole region with several KKS-systems used in different local governments. The application consists of several databases managing information about events, persons (actors), and event places. The databases have several referential integrities. KKS is a Lotus Notes application. Lotus Notes is available for several operating systems MVS, OS/400, NT, etc. With the Domino Server of Lotus Notes it is possible to present all information of the Lotus Notes databases in the Internet. End users can get the information with a Browser (Netscape, Microsoft).
The basis of the application "Interactive Building Permit Procedure" is the digital building document. With this application the building permit procedure - from placing, working and licensing of the application - should be completely digitalised and be processed without changing the medium. Apart from that accelerations of the procedure are expected by a lower rate of personal contacts of customers to administration and by an improved quality of services. The development follows a step-by-step concept linking and integrating new applications and those already existing into the workflow. The components are especially the interfaces between working and receiving on the one hand and application and reception on the other hand. The chain of information begins with the position of the digital proposition. The user sends the proposition over a particular network-connection via e-mail and arrives the e-mail-server (gateway) of the County. Then the proposition files, for example in format DXF and RTF, reach the domino-server with the GroupWare-basis Lotus-Notes and are assigned accordingly. The special application "Bauinfo" and the processing program (viewer with the option, to enforce the processing and commentaries) allows to sight, process and provide the proposition with commentaries by the staff. Inquiries or other communication requirements with the end users take place via Internet. The complete building permit authorisation will take place over the e-mail-server of the County as soon as the legally conditions are available. From the beginning the considerations concentrated on the external and internal area. Under technical aspects the integration of the new application system into the existing technical infrastructure of the County of Soest, for example the Lotus-Notes-based applications, were most important. The application has been implemented and is used for: - Digital receipt of the building documents. - Digital application of a building permit. - Digital processing of the building document.
The administrational extranet application is a discussion board type of a text database application, where agendas and minutes of meetings including annexes as attached files are supplied and shared by subject. The documents can be searched by classification (two-level classification), date or by using free word retriever. An important part of the application is also the management of the user rights. The requirements for reliability and maintainability are high. Furthermore, informing of malfunctions is important: the administrator needs to keep a close eye on possible malfunctions and inform the users and vice versa. The system's ability to recover from malfunctions needs to be good, too. The maximum amount of simultaneous users of the Region Interaction application will be about 25. The amount of financial applications that will be dealt with per year is approximately 300-400. On an average, there are 15 meetings per year that will produce approximately 20 documents each. The application has been implemented and it is used for: - Preparation for meeting and issues on the agenda. - Handling the decisions taken in the meetings. - Handling the decisions on projects. - Discussion board. - Helpdesk. - Contact Information Register. The original objective of not sending by mail the secretariat's meeting and other materials was accomplished.
The main idea of the German MTC is to create a mall for software products, services and consulting services (regarding organisation, technique, planning and implementation of applications, qualification of end users), a platform of information about products, services, and service provider that have gone through a transparent process of quality assurance and have got a certificate (technical and functional), and additionally as a platform for exchange of know how on information society. In the beginning the information the MTC may deliver is mainly about all the NETS applications. The exchange of experience and the consulting services will be mainly based on the experiences the participants collected during the project NET for nets. Later on the MTC will be a general platform for information and the exchange of know how regarding e-government. The German MTC will be a service container. The MTC mainly will be: - A mall for software products, services and consulting services (regarding organisation, technique, planning and implementation of applications, qualification of end users). Information will be based on electronic forms to generate similar information (first phase of exploitation, based on the NETS results). - A platform of information about products, services, and service provider that have gone through a transparent process of quality assurance and have got a certificate (technical and functional) (third phase of business development). - A platform where innovative software products will be awarded periodically to promote innovation. - A platform for getting in contact with experts and their know how (with the NET for nets partners) (second phase). - A platform for exchange of know how on information society (with the NET for nets partners) (second phase, partly for closed user groups). - A platform for advertising.
The application "region in the net" is a system allowing the access to data gained from a central Geographical Information System (GIS) database through the Internet. The application depends on existing sets of pre-generated maps and additional data in relational databases. The county of Osnabrück uses tools especially developed to get this information out of the GIS system ALK-Giap (AED-graphics). Maps are converted into the PNG graphics format. Filenames are stored in special database tables also containing geographical co-ordinates. Image-maps with links to database queries have been created. End users only need standard WWW browsers, no active processing is done on the client-side. On the HTTP-server standard CGI scripting in the Perl programming language is used. The system has been tested for portability on Linux and Windows machines with MYSQL, Oracle and ODBC data sources and Apache and Microsoft IIS web servers. In a first step the system provides information for citizens based on the obligations fixed in the German "Environment Information Law" (e.g. nature and wildlife reserve areas, water quality, soil usage and quality, forest damage). The end user approach concentrates on easy navigation through dynamically generated maps with the possibility to access textual data via the concept of hotspots or clickable images. Additional links to pictures are included if possible.
The application and its home administration service, imply an approach between the local administration and citizens, and make easier the access, in a quick way, to the information and requests about social benefits. By means of this tool, the citizens, using Internet, can access the benefits rendered by Diputación de Granada related to the social services. In a similar way, it gives the opportunity, to the municipalities from the province of Granada, to offer their particular services from their own municipalities, related to the community social services and/or specialised. The technology employed allows the use of special devices, in order to make easier its use and the execution of its functions, oriented to the user profile to which it is addressed. Its implantation will make easier the management and feedback for the administration and for the user, so the applicant person can follow up his/her requests, in order to know the state of the request. As a peculiarity, the application tries to be very ergonomic and functional, for all these persons that do not usually use Internet and especially for elder and disabled persons. It is intuitive, easy to use and agreeable. The users of the teleassistance service, persons with problems in the personal autonomy, can also access the application, through teleoperators. The application implies: - To obtain information from more than twenty social benefits, not only from the community social services, but also from the general social services. - To make requests, consulting previously the data from the municipal census. - To know the state of the request: information feedback. - The users of the home teleassistance can access the information and request social benefits from their home. - Easy way to use it, designed to be used through tactile screen. - It can be accessed from home through a PC, and the possibility to install telematic Kiosks is opened.
The municipalities of Madrid and Benidorm, in a partnership through the consortium of European project Net for NETS, have developed and installed a software package which will permit any like-such local administration entities to show their elements of interest and provide the factual guided visits to them, for their citizens and visitors, using the state-of-the-art technologies, tools and communication means such is the Internet. The application has been implemented and it is used for: - Visualisation of program of visits and depicting and informational elements. - Help on the decision-taking process for the users. - Booking any given visit or a group of them. - Paying the selected visits via the Internet. - Help. - Contacts and other related links. The original objective of spreading the old manual managed visits program was fully accomplished.

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