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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-06-18

Management of the european round table on synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers and other coordinated actions in this domain



The standard deliverables under this contract are the co-organization and co-sponsoring of 3 regular workshops, 2 special meetings and one general meeting, providing a forum for open debate at the European level, and providing documentation through the Round Table homepage, in coordination between Elettra and Daresbury.

The Round Table has at present four primary objectives:
(1) It constitutes a forum for information exchanges and discussions concerning the EC transnational access support to European facilities in this domain, with the specific objective to enhance the effectiveness of the support by optimising the use of the facilities and avoiding needless duplications.
(2) It promotes the initial steps for new initiatives of transnational cooperation
(3) It advices responsible national and international organisations on the development of programs in this domain and stimulates the analysis of the trends and directions
(4) It co-sponsors the organisation of schools and workshops to reach the above objectives and also to prepare the next generations of European scientists in this domain.
The main results during the grant period were:
(1) One regular general meeting in Villigen and two extraordinary meetings in Les Houches and Grenoble
(2) A consensus assessment on the future developments of synchrotron radiation and FELs in Europe, with a published report
(3) Five specialised workshops to promote new transnational cooperation activities
(4) Three postdoctoral schools.
In addition, the Round Table continued its standard activities of documentation, expert advice and promotion of cooperation at different levels.

Project Manager:

Giorgio Margaritondo
Divisione Esperimenti
Strada Statale 14, Km 163,5
Basovizza (Trieste)
%Tel: +39-040-3758628
Fax: +39-040-3758565
The standard deliverables under this contract are the co-organization and co-sponsoring of 3 regular workshops, 2 special meetings and one general meeting, providing a forum for open debate at the European level, and providing documentation through the Round Table homepage, in coordination between Elettra and Daresbury.
The Round Table for Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Laser continued to be a major player in the coordination and collaboration activities in its domain in Europe.

In addition, the Round Table:
(1) played a significant role in the preparation work for the European Commission Conference on Research Infrastructure (Strasbourg 2000);
(2) extensively used a special report prepared by the Round Table under the EC umbrella for documentation and dissemination purposes;
(3) co-sponsored two special meetings that resulted in substantial consensus on the general strategic lines of development of this field in Europe.

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