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CORDIS - Wyniki badań wspieranych przez UE
Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2022-12-23

Mid-infrared laser non-linear spectroscopy


This project unites three world-renowned laboratories, to generate added values between world-beating Russian laser and non-linear-optical crystal technology on the one hand and highly refined western MBE semiconductor growth and ultrafast spectroscopic technologies on the other. The main activities of the present joint project will be in the fields of mid-IR solid state lasers, non-linear methods of frequency conversion., mid-IR spectroscopy, ultrashort laser pulses and acoustic microscopy.

This includes creation of compact all-solid state high peak power lasers emitting in the middle infrared range (l >>3 mm) with high repetition rate (1 kHz or 250 MHz) and short pulse durations (10-7 - 10-10 s ). This laser is of particular interest for medical applications because of the extremely high human tissue absorption coefficient due to water absorption at this wavelength. Most of the laser radiation is absorbed within one micron layer of skin, thus making it possible to perform very delicate surgery, reducing to minimum heating effects and collateral damage.

State-of-the-art Russian quantum well laser diodes will be used to excite the erbium laser active medium. Molecular beam epitaxy grown InAs heteroepitaxial semiconductor samples will be also used for intracavity optical switching of the laser radiation to produce giant (duration 10-8 - 10-7 s) or ultrashort (10-11 - 10-11 sec) pulses of 10 MW peak power at l = 3 mm. Such pulses are extremely efficient for producing frequency tunable infrared radiation in the main atmospheric windows (3-5 mm, 8-12 mm) via optical parametric generation (using GaSe) or frequency mixing, and can be used for remote atmosphere pollutant detection. Additionally, high repetition rate (250 MHz) erbium laser pulses will be used for the excitation of hypersound waves in water for opto-acoustical imaging of optically opaque objects with sub- micron resolution.

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Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine
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SW7 2AZ London
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