In Computational Logic, the new paradigm of Answer Set Programming (ASP) promises to help the specification and solution of problems that need both reasoning by cases and reasoning under incomplete information. Robust and reasonably scalable implementations are now available. This Working Group will enable a systematic exchange of information among the implementation teams and test users, foster synergies in research efforts and achieve a critical mass of researchers on pilot applications. In Computational Logic, the new paradigm of Answer Set Programming (ASP) promises to help the specification and solution of problems that need both reasoning by cases and reasoning under incomplete information. Robust and reasonably scalable implementations are now available. This Working Group will enable a systematic exchange of information among the implementation teams and test users, foster synergies in research efforts and achieve a critical mass of researchers on pilot applications.
Research efforts, both in theory and implementation of Answer Set Programming have hitherto proceeded somewhat in parallel among European Universities. To bring ASP to the next level, i.e. to programmability by non-experts and usage in industrial-strength applications, requires an effort to bring together researchers and potential users, identify and concentrate on the most promising applications as well as on the more relevant remaining theoretical problems. The aim of the Working Group is to foster synergies among teams that so far have been working on competing implementations and diverse application areas.
The Working Group will organise a series of workshops, including the second ASP workshop (following the ASP symposium in Stanford, 2001) dedicated to communication of results and a web site will be constructed to describe the research, the distribution ASP solvers worldwide, an application showcase and bibliographies and publications for students and researchers. The exchange of PhD students is one of the main goals and will be supported.
Some of the deliverables are:
i) a benchmark suite for evaluating (and comparing) progress in ASP solvers implementation;
ii) collect and organize reports of successful applications in industry;
iii) some standardisation of the input language for ASP solvers and iv) a class syllabus for Artificial Intelligence that is based on learning and applying ASP solvers.
Campo scientifico
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