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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2024-05-07

Advanced Technology to Optimize Maritime Operational Safety, Integration & Interface

Exploitable results

1. Development of a Conceptual Standard for SCC Design. 2. Development of Advanced Information Processing Most of the work on this task has been devoted to the issue of enhancing human performance by integration of information and improvement of decision support methods. Direct results in terms of examples are provided both by this task and other. Results from objective measurements on the application examples clearly demonstrates the safety and efficiency benefits of systems designed along the suggested lines. 3. Verification of Conceptual Standard for SCC Design vs. Efficiency and Safety: Comprehensive subjective and objective measurements, both on the part-task and the full mission level, have been carried out. In every single case do they point towards a great enhancement of safety and efficiency, in combination with increased user satisfaction. Just as an example, measurements in task 1.6 documented that people performed just as well in an ATOMOS II Ship Control Center after one hour of training as they did in a conventional Ship Control Center after 40 hours of training. Another example is that, according to the task 1.8 safety assessment, the risk of a collision for an ATOMOS II equipped ship is one full order of magnitude lower that for a similar conventional ship. 4. Conceptual Standard for ISC Systems: Work under the project has produced a number of important components for a future standard on ISC systems, including guidelines for the preparation of companion standards and conformance classes. Likewise, ATOMOS II partners has participated in the appropriate IEC working groups on standardization, promoting the ATOMOS II principles for a future standard. 5. Harmonized Human-Machine Interface: A Style-guide for a harmonized Human-Machine Interface (HMI) was produced which subsequently has been applied to the appropriate sample applications prepared under the project. As such, the harmonized HMI has been tested for usability, and the merits of the standardized HMI are certainly contributing to the safety and efficiency improvements measured in the project. Additionally, the ATOMOS II Harmonized Human-Machine Interface has been included in the ATOMOS II Conceptual Standard for SCC Design (including HMI). 6. Standardized Process Network: Under the project, the original ATOMOS process network has been enhanced and improved, partly in the shape of tools required for network performance prediction, but also in terms of reliability as expressed by the ATOMOS II Network Management System and the ATOMOS ABIT system. What has been labeled the ATOMOS II T-profile and associated hardware is ready for use. 7. Conceptual Standard for ISC Systems vs. Interoperability and Interconnectivity: Following the above it is fully expected, but however not yet proven, that all interoperability and interconnectivity requirements to the process network standard are completely fulfilled by the joint ATOMOS II/PISCES/DISC II ISC standard initiative. Project URL:

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