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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2022-11-17

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Priority actions in the field of statistical information

The European Commission has published a call for tender for priority actions in the fields of statistical information 1993-1997, Council Decision 93/464/EEC (OJ No L 219 of 28.8.1993). The call is being launched under the statistical information framework programme which is in...

The European Commission has published a call for tender for priority actions in the fields of statistical information 1993-1997, Council Decision 93/464/EEC (OJ No L 219 of 28.8.1993). The call is being launched under the statistical information framework programme which is intended to provide for a Community statistical system. This call covers "Sectoral programmes for social policy, for economic and social cohesion and consumer protection " (as in the annex to the above mentioned Council Decision, Part III). The complete file on this call for tender and additional information may be obtained from: Statistical Office Directorate E Batiment Jean Monnet Office C3/103 Mr. J. Martins Batiment Jean Monnet BP 1503 L-2920 Luxembourg Tel. +352-430134 604; Fax +352-430134415 Completed tenders should be addressed to: European Commission Statistical Office Eurostat Directorate E Social and regional statistics and structural plans Batiment Jean Monnet BP 1503 L-2920 Luxembourg