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Zawartość zarchiwizowana w dniu 2023-03-01

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Minutes of the First European NanoBusiness Association Workshop on Standardization for Carbon Nanotubes are now available online.

Jointly organized by the European NanoBusiness Association (ENA) and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG), the purpose of the first workshop was to determine whether a lack of standards is inhibiting market growth for carbon nanotubes and to identify standardization needs for market development.

The minutes can be found at The next meeting will be held on 28th April 2005 in Vienna and is open to all stakeholders engaged in the production, utilization or measurement of carbon nanotubes and nanofibers. For more details please contact Dr. Margit Haas at "The Austrian NANO Initiative" e-mail: Founded in 2002, the European NanoBusiness Association ( is a Brussels based non profit organization dedicated to promoting a strong and competitive European nanotechnology based industry. Established by leading players in European nanotechnology, the European NanoBusiness Association provides a forum to link, inform and enable European nanotechnology companies, from start-ups to multi-nationals. The Austrian NANO Initiative ( is the multi-annual public funding programme for nanoscale sciences and nanotechnology with an annual public budget of EURO 15 m.