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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

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Research for the development of Particulate Matter (PM) regulations and guidelines


The objectives of this topic would be to:
◘ Bring together European state-of-the-art research efforts on understanding, predicting and modelling aviation particulate matter [PM] emissions in order to support a European roadmap for developing new technologies aimed at their reduction;
◘ Deepen the understanding of PM emitted by aircraft engines and provide a better understanding of their impact on health at and around airports and on the global atmosphere.
◘ Support the development of guidelines and methodologies for aircraft engine data and modeling capabilities related to PM, in view of ICAO CAEP 11 and beyond.
◘ Assist EASA and the European Commission (RTD, MOVE, CLIMA, ENV) in developing regulations and guidelines and to set emissions standards related to PM.
◘ Propose a detailed roadmap for a potential follow-up action for an aircraft engine data acquisition program for PM emissions, from various categories of engines (turbofan, turbojet, turboprop, turboshaft, APU). In line wi