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Coordination and support for an integrated freight transport and logistics system


Proposals shall address all of the following areas:

  • Perform a reasoned and detailed analysis of the products, services, solutions for business applications and other value added results generated by EU-funded projects (at the level of projects and/or cluster of projects), contributing to the achievement of EU policy objectives (e.g. zero city logistics emissions by 2030, zero logistics emissions by 2050, efficient free movement of goods and services) and a truly integrated transport system. This analysis should possibly cover projects funded since the 5th Framework Programme for Research. Building on previous mapping and benchmarking activities such as the SETRIS project[[Strengthening European Transport Research and Innovation Strategies (]] and the pilot action on Implementation of Multimodal Innovative Solutions[[« Towards a Single and Innovative European Transport System : Implementation of Multimodal Innovative Solutions » is an ongoing pilot action which helps matching EU funded R&I projects' suitable innovative solutions with the innovation needs of three actual multimodal hubs (see The pilot action’s outcomes will be available at the beginning of 2020.]], evaluate e.g. the level of maturity of the products, services, solutions achieved within the projects and further development carried out beyond the projects, investigate which solutions have been implemented and adopted by the freight transport and logistics stakeholders and compare them with the state-of-the-art in the sector. Assess the barriers to the deployment of R&I results and propose solutions and actions to improve the framework conditions and overcome the identified barriers. Assess the impact of EU-funded R&I projects on various areas of freight transport and logistics (including urban logistics) by establishing possible causal links between public R&I funding and technology innovation in an area. Synergetic impact from regional/national programmes should also be considered. Examine in which areas EU funding had the highest impact, identify the framework conditions and actions which supported this outcome. Propose sectoral-specific impact Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and recommendations to increase the research impact.
  • Identify and prioritise gaps in the research landscape and market needs to be tackled by future R&I actions[[Also taking into account the roadmap “A truly Integrated Transport System for Sustainable and Efficient Logistics” (]] for an integrated freight transport and logistics system, also via a reasoned analysis of best practices and activities at relevant international level.
  • Support the wider engagement of the freight transport and logistics stakeholders (reaching out to the ones less familiar with European R&I) in order to increase the uptake of research outcomes and innovation by the logistics community at large. Develop an appropriate framework to foster collaboration and exchange of best practices in freight transport and logistics R&I at regional, national, European and global level.
  • Engage with relevant sectors beyond freight transport and logistics to support cross-fertilisation and synergies within multidisciplinary projects (e.g. ICT, Circular Economy, Manufacturing and Supply Chain, Security).

The analysis will extend beyond the work carried out within the projects, clearly evaluating the project outcomes’ impact, as well as the framework conditions and activities which support high impact of public R&I funding. It will also establish possible causal links between public R&I funding and technology innovation in a specific logistics area. The analysis will be complemented by clear recommendations on future R&I activities to achieve an efficient and sustainable freight transport and logistics system.

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of up to EUR 1 million would allow the specific challenge to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts. As the focus of this action is on analysing the impact of EU-funded R&I projects, at least 50% of the budget will have to be dedicated to the activities described under the first two bullet points.

Ensuring the seamless integration and harmonisation of transport modes is essential to achieve a truly integrated freight transport and logistics system, which on the one hand, is able to manage efficiently the physical, information and financial flows and on the other hand, support less impacting and environmental sustainable logistics operations . Speeding up technological and organisational innovation uptake and adoption will support freight transport decarbonisation and competitiveness. To this purpose, the assessment of progress, gaps and barriers is necessary. It is also key to involve and engage the end users of multimodal end-to-end freight transport chains, as they are both the recipients of innovation (autonomous transport, electrification, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, blockchain, robotic systems, further digitalisation, new transport modes, etc.) and the key actors in charge of developing the business cases for new technologies uptake.

The action will contribute to achieve the EU policy objectives for freight transport and logistics (e.g. zero city logistics emissions by 2030, zero logistics emissions by 2050, fully integrated multimodal transport system, efficient and sustainable logistic and freight operations) by providing a reasoned and detailed mapping and assessment of the EU-funded R&I project outcomes.

The action will also support technological and organisational innovation uptake and a more efficient use of the available research resources by engaging the wider community of stakeholders, establishing collaboration between industrial stakeholders and the society at large, encouraging exchanges of best practices at regional, national, European and global level, and linking to relevant sectors beyond freight transport and logistics.