Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ADENEAS (Advanced Data and power Electrical NEtwork Architectures and Systems)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-02-01 do 2022-07-31
ADENEAS’ mission is to pave the way for the design and development of safe, light, self-configuring, autonomous and modular power and data distribution networks that are scalable to all aircraft sizes (CS23, CS25). To contribute to this dot on the horizon with an estimated 10-year lead-time, a product proposition is defined, consisting of a data and a power network.
The data network is composed of wireless and wired communication applied to aircraft functions. Redundancy between the communication technologies supports higher criticality aircraft functions. The network has autonomy using embedded intelligence. Interface standardization enables interchangeability between the communication technologies and Novel Conductor Concepts (NCC) avoid Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI).
The ADENEAS power network distributes to all consumers, excluding electric propulsion. For medium power loads, Modular Power Distribution is applied with Prognostic Health Monitoring (PHM) of connected loads. Power equipment is cooled with a 2-phase cooling with cooling additives. New architectures for Cabin Power distribute to lower aircraft-related electrical loads in the cabin and to the Passenger Power District.
Design is optimized with Architecture and Topology Exploration and Optimization Tools and Methods that incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI).
• Ultra-reliable wireless communication enablers’ current state of the art (SoA) exploration has delivered an inventory of solutions being investigated to make a selection. The reliability model setup to evaluate them is a suitable base for certification practices.
• Models for in-aircraft antenna-to-antenna signal transfer developed are computationally fast. A test campaign in a Fokker 100 aircraft determined antenna propagation between different locations in the aircraft.
• Robustness of Power Line Communication (PLC) was verified with EMC tests of a new PLC-module prototype. A PLC network configuration tool was developed and prototyped.
• NCC were defined to raise the robustness of PLC and wireless communications, and to reduce weight. 3 concepts were selected for further development.
New architecture concepts for advanced data and power networks
• To prepare for design criteria and to develop architectures, extended reference cases were prepared with a level of detail required for design trials at aircraft level.
• To optimize architectures for cabin power networks with high efficiency converters a topology was developed for the nano-grid system for the passenger district with a control system, supported by simulation of system behavior for early evaluation. The prototype design passed the preliminary design review. For high efficiency converters a trade-off was performed to compare different power converter topologies. 3 topologies were selected for a further detailed trade-off considering EMI-filtering.
• For PHM, the identification of the ageing mechanism for the insulation (narrowed down to motor insulation for demonstrator) has been carried with design and partial build of the ageing bench (for voltage stress based on multilevel power converters and temperature stress). In parallel, means of monitoring patrial discharge (PD) were explored with strong focus on the utilization of Rogowski coils for online PD detection. Models for remaining useful life estimations were created.
Advanced AI-based design tools
• The development of tools and methods for architecture optimization and complexity reduction started with a topology exploration tool for power-network topologies, and an Extended Signal Routing Application to automate data-network design.
Cooling system
• For a 2-phase Mechanically Pumped Loop (MPL) cooling system with nano-fluids, an architectural design analysis and a trade-off were performed. A demonstrator was designed and partly built. Clear comparisons and trade-off analyses were made between the performance of single-phase and two-phase cooling systems.
• For nano-fluids for single and two-phase cooling a test was performed to test pool boiling and a setup is being built for flow boiling.
Demonstration and evaluation
• In preparation for test benches and a Ground-Based Demonstrator, a list of technology enabler solutions was made, correlating to TRL based technology readiness assessment.
• For the flying testbed EVE Sportstar EPOS+ (Electric Powered Small aircraft) a preliminary design of the cooling interface for the engine was made.
Uptake of the ADENEAS technologies beyond the project end
• In preparation for a standardisation roadmap, we participated in EUROCAE-WG96 and RTCA SC-236 to anticipate Wireless Aircraft Intra Communication standards development.
• The Business Plan to be prepared at project end will include results and outlook provided by the RHIADA project that took off in June 2022, the granted Dutch Fund for Growth – Aerospace in Transition, and participation in Clean Aviation being prepared.
PLC robustness was increased to avoid being a culprit or a victim of EMI. To raise scalability of PLC, a configuration tool was developed.
A standardized data communication interface to aircraft systems was developed such that PLC, wireless and wired solutions can be jointly deployed.
NCC’s investigated improve both intra and inter aircraft electromagnetic compatibility.
The power distribution system developed has an active reconfigurable modular architecture aligned with the need of local power districts. PHM techniques were developed to conserve the status of the electrical loads connected.
The optimised cabin power network for the passenger district will deploy very high-power density step-down DC/DC power conversion stages with a high efficiency. These are integrated into a grid with embedded power management and control.
Machine learning algorithms (AI) have been developed to optimize architectures and topologies of the power and data networks individually (comprising different interconnection technologies and architectures) as well as the combination of these networks.
A current SoA 2-phase cooling system was enhanced for the cooling of multiple more compact electronic boxes, equipped with an optimized modular cooling interface for power electronics. Cooling fluid additives applied will gain performance allowing to further reduce weight.
Intermediate weight analysis confirms the ability of ADENEAS to achieve the 400kg weight reduction for the sum of the power equipment and the electrical interconnection system.