Descrizione del progetto
Quadro europeo innovativo e integrativo per l’istruzione
I metodi di insegnamento tradizionali sono rimasti sostanzialmente invariati e, in molti casi, non sono al passo con la realtà odierna. La pandemia di COVID-19 potrebbe essere il momento ideale per sviluppare metodi di apprendimento nuovi, efficaci e molto più creativi. È importante ampliare la disponibilità dell’apprendimento nelle dimensioni formale e informale. Il progetto xFORMAL, finanziato dall’UE, creerà un nuovo quadro dedicato al patrimonio europeo comune in cui i cittadini di qualsiasi età possano apprendere in un ambiente integrato e informale utilizzando la scienza e la tecnologia aumentata. Sulla base di un approccio di apprendimento autodeterminato, consentirà un’istruzione innovativa, moderna, migliorata e sostenibile con effetti a vita, grazie all’impegno delle comunità locali e alla condivisione reciproca delle conoscenze.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected educational systems worldwide, leading to the near-total closures of all formal learning settings. This is a good time to expand opportunities in non-formal and informal settings. xFORMAL project aims at creating a framework in which science and technology meet citizens of all ages in an informal intergenerational educational setting, based on a platform and a game devoted to the common European cultural heritage. The key ingredients of the project are: the history of ancient Europe (partly taught in formal education), the landscape (typically, a non-formal learning base), the heutagogic approach, the virtual/augmented reality (generally recognised as an informal-learning tool), and the sharing of knowledge and experiences between SSH and ICT researchers in an intersectoral setting. The proposed actions target the creation of new partnerships in local communities to foster improved education for all citizens following the heutagogy approach. This project aims at supporting a range of research, dissemination and exploitation activities based on collaboration between educational providers, associations, enterprises, and civil society in order to become an agent of community well-being; encourage families to become real partners in educational life and activities; actively involve professionals from enterprises and civil and wider society in bringing real-life projects to the civil society; and encourage policymakers to the mainstream of good practices and insights into policies, and hence sustainability and impact beyond the lifetime of funding. It is expected that in the short term the development of xFORMAL partnerships between academic and non-academic institutions will contribute to a more scientifically interested and literate society and citizens of all ages with a better awareness of and interest in a cultural common heritage. In the long-term, it will contribute towards ERA objectives of increasing the number of scientists.
Parole chiave
Meccanismo di finanziamento
MSCA-RISE - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE)Coordinatore
16126 Genova