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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

Development of prescriptive AnalYtics baseD on aRtificial intElligence for iAMS

Descrizione del progetto

Manutenzione intelligente per reti ferroviarie

La rete ferroviaria europea comprende più di 300 000 km di binari, collega ampiamente tutte le città e i paesi e rappresenta una risorsa fondamentale nell’ecosistema dei trasporti europeo. La manutenzione è essenziale per garantire sicurezza e sostenibilità. In questo contesto, il progetto DAYDREAMS Shift2Rail, finanziato dall’Unione europea, stabilirà una rotta per l’integrazione e l’uso di dati e intelligenza artificiale/umana affidabile insieme a un’interfaccia uomo-macchina (IUM) guidata dal contesto. In particolare, migliorerà il processo decisionale e progetterà IUM avanzate guidate dal contesto per consentire processi decisionali a opzioni multiple sensibili al contesto e al rischio. Il progetto convaliderà tale soluzione proposta utilizzando diversi scenari. La convalida collauderà la soluzione e la sua affidabilità per l’adozione futura in ambienti multi-attore.


The overall DAYDREAMS objective is to move forward the integration and use of data and artificial/human trustworthy intelligence together with context-driven HMI for prescriptive Intelligent Asset Management Systems (IAMS) in railway by (i) advancing in maintenance approach towards prescriptive asset management, (ii) improving the decision-making process by developing multi-objective decision optimisation approaches taking into account all implications of IAMS decisions in the railway environment, and (iii) reinforcing the role of the person-in-the-loop by designing and developing advanced context-driven HMIs to allow context- and risk-aware multiple-options decision-making processes.
The HMI will allow the person-in-the-loop to: (i) properly access and visualise predictions/metrics and models, (ii) assess why and how the model predicts something, (iii) Steer models by setting parameters, and (iv) evaluate alternatives using parameter steering and extending this process through speculative execution.
The DAYDREAMS objective will be assessed by validating the proposed solution using the following two-step approach: (i) A first validation at TRL 4 of the approaches (developed prescriptive asset management) using several internal scenarios and one scenario provided by the CFM IN2SMART2 project; (ii) A further validation of the DAYDREAMS methodologies integrated in a TRL 5 prototype using at least two scenarios: at least one internal scenario and the IN2SMART2 scenario. The validation will cover both the performances of the prototypes and its trust for future adoption in multi-actors environments.
The validation will be carried out by defining evaluation and validation metrics and KPIs: (i) linked to asset management problems to be solved by the involved Infrastructure Managers (IMs) and related baselines, (ii) quantified and measurable; (iii) referred to high-level KPIs defined in the S2R IMPACT2 CFM project, and (iv) useful to address multi-objective optimisation.

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 146 875,00
1050 Bruxelles / Brussel

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L’organizzazione si è definita una PMI (piccola e media impresa) al momento della firma dell’accordo di sovvenzione.

Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Région de Bruxelles-Capitale/ Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale/Arr. Brussel-Hoofdstad
Tipo di attività
Costo totale
€ 146 875,00

Partecipanti (10)