Periodic Reporting for period 2 - BioBAA (Disruptive platform for sustainable and low-cost amino acid production)
Okres sprawozdawczy: 2021-12-01 do 2023-05-31
From 2023 one AA is produced and already now sold in Asia, and soon also in the US and Europe. The other main AA and a derivative hereof will be produced and sold as of 2024 globally. The environmental benefits of the fermentation-based AA-production will deliver the desired contributions by reduced CO2 imprint and by reducing the use of fossil fuels and polluting chemicals, achieved by replacing existing more expensive, less effectively produced and fossil dependent versions of these AA products. Not just because they are more desirable from an environmental perspective, but because they can be produced at competitive cost levels. The long-term perspective (3-4 years out) of enabling the effective and cost-effective production of these two AA’s will have potential of far bigger nature, when they can be used in many new applications, new product derivatives for new and existing markets. This is Cysbio’s ambition, and so far, we are on track for this great vision.
The project had 4 key objectives that when reached through the WP’s would allow the successful production and market introduction of the two AA’s into both the existing markets for these two products as well as to allow the use within some new attractive large markets for feed additives and for food supplements. These results would then be communicated at appropriate events, contacts, and articles to make stakeholders aware. All WP’s concluded successfully and allows the production and launch of both products at the planned time and the business plan projections remain realistic and reachable in both time and magnitude. All main targets have been achieved as planned and projected for the BioBAA project.
• Strain productivity targets have been reached as planned in terms of titer and yield enabling the desired cost per kg of product in the final production.
• Documentation that one AA can be used to replace other feed additives with no negative impact on growth and health for the animals. This will allow the big target to replace a fossil based and polluting chemical with a biobased alternative with a much better environmental profile and reduced CO2 imprint.
• Clinical trials were implemented and concluded positively, supporting the use of one of the AA’s to be used as dietary supplement to improve health for people suffering from an important lifestyle disease that impacts 20 % of all people on the planet.
• REACH will be in place for both AA’s upon launch in Europe. One product is launched in Asia in 2023, and the other will be launched in 2024. In Europe launch is planned for 2024 for both products.
• Sales training and communication ready for product launch
• Projection of sales to reach above 50MEUR by 2029.
The target under BioBAA was to enable the broader use of some AA’s with currently small markets, by establishing alternative and effective production methods. Through this project we have accelerated the journey to find ways to make these AA’s in alternative ways, thereby making them more commercially attractive while produced more sustainable.
The impact for society is both bigger availability of some key raw materials, reduction of fossil-based products and reduced Co2 emissions and not least creation og a big business that will result in more jobs and opportunities in Europe and globally.