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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Particles in Greek and Hittite as Expression of Mood and Modality


Die Rolle der Partikel in griechischen und hethitischen Texten

In den ältesten griechischen Texten (Mykene, Inschriften, epische und lyrische Dichtung) werden die Partikel án und ken verwendet. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt PaGHEMMo wird die ursprüngliche Funktion und Etymologie dieser Partikel in der antiken griechischen Tradition vor der Attischen Prosa untersuchen. Außerdem wird es die Verwendung der Partikel -man, -san und -kan in althethitischen Texten (1650-1450 v. Chr.) betrachten und mit den griechischen Partikeln vergleichen. In den griechischen Texten konnten die Partikel mit einem Modus (Optativ oder Konjunktiv) kombiniert werden, während es im Hethitischen für derartige Modi keine Belege gibt. Dort drückten die reinen Partikel die Modalität aus. Anhand der Projektergebnisse wird sich diachronisch verfolgen lassen, wie sich die Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten der Modalität entwickelt haben. Darauf aufbauend ließe sich diese Kategorie für die indogermanische Ursprache rekonstruieren.


This proposal investigates the original meaning and uses of the particles án and ken in the earliest Greek texts (epic and lyric poetry and inscriptions, VIII-VI BC, there are no examples in Mycenaean, XIII BC) and their interaction with mood and modality, the use of the particles man, san and kan in the Old-Hittite texts (1650-1450 BC) and the comparison between the particles in Greek and Hittite, and to what extent the subordination plays a role in the use of the Greek particles. The use of the modal particle án with the different moods is strictly regulated in Classical Greek (V-IV BC), but epic and lyric Greek, and other dialects án, use ken or ka, and the rules seem less rigid. So far no study addressed the use of these particles in the oldest Greek texts. I gather the data, determine if they are secured by the metre, tag and catalogue them per tense, mood, type of sentence (negative, affirmative, main clause, subordinate and type of subordinate clause) and type of text (narrative, speech) and analyse the use(s). While Greek has a rich system of moods and particles, Hittite has only two moods and conveys the non-realis meaning through the particle man, but also san and kan can specify the verb. Kan is said to be related to ken and becomes the default particle in later texts replacing san, but in Old-Hittite texts san is more common. The original meaning of san and kan is debated. I gather the instances of kan and san, catalogue them per text and sentence type, and investigate the meaning. Then I compare the use of these particles with verbs to Greek ken. Finally, I investigate the link between the Greek particles and subordination. The particles are attested more in subordinate than in main clauses and in some subordinate clauses they are used more often than in others. There are two questions: were the particles used as subordination markers or can the paratactic origin of the subordinate constructions explain their use.


€ 171 473,28
37129 Verona

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Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 171 473,28